Who Reads Blogs?

Harris Interactive | The Harris Poll – More Than Half of Americans Never Read Political Blogs

Republican Blog Readers More Likely Than Democrats to Believe Blogs are More Accurate and Valuable Than Mainstream Media

For every political persuasion, it seems like there is at least a handful of political blogs which chart attitudes and opinions on campaigns, issues and candidates relevant to that political leaning. One always hears about a blog breaking news before the “mainstream media” actually covers it. But are people really reading these blogs? The answer is no, as over half of Americans (56%) say they never read blogs that discuss politics. Just under one-quarter (23%) say that they read them several times a year and just 22 percent of Americans read blogs regularly (several times a month or more).

These are some of the results of a nationwide Harris Poll of 2,302 U.S. adults surveyed online between January 15 and 22, 2008 by Harris Interactive®.

The Fun Stops Soon

Just over 24 hours left in the Wilson-Pearce knife fight. I’m gonna miss seeing Republicans subject each other to the treatment they normally reserve for Democrats. I’ll miss the hearty laugh I got from Pearce calling Wilson a liberal. (Snort.) I won’t miss Pearce’s arrogance in implying New Mexican “values” are solely conservative. Fuck you, Steve — I’m as New Mexican as you are. Heather’s shrewd, Rovian triangulation of “common-sense conservative” isn’t going to save her (calling him a right-winger cost her more votes), but she will be right about Pearce being unelectable. Good riddance to both of them.

I laughed as well at little Scotty Darnell’s claim that, unlike Democrats, Pearce and Wilson have had a good, clean, honorable disagreement. That kind of self-delusion — or lying — should get him a job at BushCo. Not that he’s so stupid as to take it. (I wouldn’t insult the tyke that much.)

In the fall, don’t forget Darren White’s impersonation of Claude Raines in Casablanca, pocketing Duhbya’s filthy lucre while saying he doesn’t recognize the man. (Part Peter, part Judas.) You can only distance yourself so far from someone whose pockets you have your hands in or whose arse your lips are glued to. That goes for McCain, too. peace, mjh

The Mouse That Roared

Little Scotty McClellan always struck me as the perfect representative of BushCo: A pasty patsy frat boy in over his head. A second-rate ad-man who believed he was part of a revolution and a generational change. (I only hated McClellan half as much as I hated Ari Fleisher.) Now, Scotty admits, he was just part of the problem, like a child on the corner watching for cops while the drug deal goes down. There is no news in BushCo’s deception or the perpetual campaign waged by Rove. The news is that a insider loyalist finally noticed the emperor has no clothes. Better watch your back, Scotty. Elephants never forget (and they carry ice picks). Don’t get on any swiftboats. peace, mjh

Now What?

There may be no more aptly named politician than Harold Icky (sic). Icky’s role in the Rules and Bylaws Committee reminds me of James Baker in 2000: There is nothing by winning at any cost. Both give lawyers a bad name. Review: Both Michigan and Florida violated rules they previously agreed to. All the candidates agreed not to campaign in either state; Clinton’s was the only name on the Michigan ballot (and she won!). To insist it is undemocratic to hold candidates and states to the rules is unworthy of a candidate.

While Obama has studied both Raygun and the early Bill Clinton (when he was cool), Clinton’s playbook appears written by BushCo.

I have deep sympathy for Hillary Clinton and for her supporters. I agree that Clinton has been mistreated by the press and the public. One ironic effect is that people are once again talking about sexism. It wasn’t long ago that many people said feminism had become irrelevant. Not true. (One of the many things that cost McDuhbya my respect was his easy, laughing acceptance of his supporters calling Hillary a bitch. He should have repudiated that immediately.) Every -ism flourishes in a society as fragmented as ours has become, where divisions are fostered and exploited by those who need to maintain power.

A good aspect to this long campaign is that Obama has been tested and survived. Some of the dirt that the Swiftboat Republicans are going to sling is already out. Obama has remained cool and smart about many things, though I wish he had tried harder in some of the places Clinton was sure to win — especially West Virginia — rather than run out the clock.

I think we are all tired of close contests. I hope tomorrow the citizens of Montana and South Dakota vote overwhelmingly for Obama to help seal the deal. However, I have the uneasy feeling nothing will seal this deal and that Hillary the Warrior will never surrender and, when she’s finally forced to, her supporters will never forgive nor forget. Just how angry and vengeful does a Democrat have to be to vote for McDuhbya? Would you burn down your house because your brother got your dessert?

Honestly, I’m not sure Clinton could beat McCain. She galvanizes the very Republicans who are lukewarm about McBush. Both represent the Washington establishment; neither really stands for Change (gender not withstanding). peace, mjh