Human Uncertainty Principle

I’ve been mulling for some time a statement made by a friend. In an article about accusations

of bias against the media by both the right and the left, John Fleck wrote “they can’t both be right.” Sorry, John, but I disagree

and I’m surprised by your naivete. In matters of human belief, thought and behavior, it actually is possible for everyone in any

grouping from one to the entire world, to all be right or wrong at exactly the same time. Two conflicting views can both be right; a

billion conflicting views can all be wrong. Again: in matters of human belief, thought and behavior. Call it the Human Uncertainty

Principle. I’m not saying that there is no objective truth or fact. I’m saying that for all that can be measured in matters of human

belief, thought and behavior, there is a huge black box we don’t see because everyone of us depends on it.

You surely witness

this countless times a week. One person describes something one way, another in a completely different way, and yet they’re both right.

This room is cold (to me); no it’s not, it’s warm (to me). Don’t get out the thermometer — it can’t say what’s cold or warm — or

who is correct — just what’s colder or warmer than something else.

Someone who reads my blog surely must think I’m among the

lowest of communistic socialistic homosexual ecofeminist extremists. (If you don’t, read my “antagagnosticism” entry — that should make

95% shun me.) I think of myself as rather liberal and progressive. But a friend says most white people are more conservative than they

realize. Who’s correct? We all are.

So, you and I read an article. You come away feeling it is biased to the left, I come away

believing it is biased to the right. I honestly believe that even if the whole thing consists of a single word, we might both be


LCohen say something lovely in its poetry: one of us cannot be wrong. But he was. mjh

Demagogue Domenici

When did Saint Pete become such a demagogue? This is the

frequently used, shameless tactic of the Radical Right, to make such inflammatory and patently false accusations. Now that they have all

the power, they go so far as to create the situations and then lie about the role of their opponents. This is the behavior of a

scoundrel. mjh

Domenici Wants N.M. Tree in D.C., BY HELEN GAUSSOIN For the Journal

“I refuse to let environmental extremists and a federal judge play Scrooge with our holiday tree,” the New

Mexico Republican said in comments prepared for Friday’s opening reception of the Capitol Holiday Tree Art Extravaganza.


Forest Service spokeswoman said the federal agency has received no objections to the holiday tree cutting but said that

does not mean it won’t before the end of a 30-day comment period that began Oct. 4. …

Domenici … has likened those who

challenged the Forest Service rule to “the grinch who stole Christmas,” as well as Scrooge…


with the Forest Guardians in New Mexico and the national office of the Sierra Club have said the Forest Service has extended the impact

of the ruling to situations, like the holiday tree project, never intended in the lawsuit. They argue the administration is

manufacturing a controversy to draw opposition to the ruling.

Misplaced Moralizing

A friend told me this disquieting tale. A friend of hers was pregnant and looking forward to having

the baby. Sadly, for some reason, the fetus died in utero. In such a case, the mother’s life is in danger if the dead fetus isn’t

expelled quickly. So, her doctor wrote a prescription for a drug that does this.

At a Walgreen’s, the pharmacist refused to fill

this prescription. The customer, her mother, her doctor, all explained the circumstances. This was not an abortion, this was the end of a

miscarriage. The pharmacist was unmoved.

I tell you this tale not because I want you to boycott Walgreens, though I understand why

my friend now does. At first, I felt a little sympathy for the pharmacist — we never know when we will be faced with a decision that

challenges our deepest commitments. On further reflection, I believe the pharmacist is a selfish coward and sadist who should lose

his/her license. In fact, if this person believes s/he has principles, that should be reason enough to resign.

All across our

country, people are achieving things in life with help from all the rest of us. Some have come to believe their achievements are all

their own and that they own nothing to the community. If you went to school, we all paid taxes for that. If you got scholarship money

from any source, you have more than a financial debt. You can refuse to perform any service — I refuse to join the military — but you

can’t have it both ways. You can’t be a doctor and refuse to care for those you disagree with. You can’t be a policeman and refuse to

help those you don’t like. You can’t claim morality and act so indecently. mjh

Safe Under the Watchful Eye


course, spying cameras will help cut down on crime. So, why not install them in every room in America — crime is everywhere, isn’t it?

Don’t you want to feel safe in your living room, with that nice camera watching all the time? mjh

ABQjournal: Police Consider Crime Cameras By Jeff

Proctor, Journal Staff Writer

Authorities are kicking around the idea of installing more cameras in

Albuquerque — but this time to stop crime, not catch motorists running red lights.

For starters, cameras would be set

up Downtown along Central Avenue, possibly at First and Fifth streets. The goal would be to spot dangerous and criminal

activity, particularly on weekends when Downtown can get a little rowdy.

For god’s sake — STOP!

I believe in a wide range of freedom. I believe in

diversity. I think there is too much moralizing going on in the US. Still, I think this is absolutely disgusting. The lord has given

these people more children than sense. Haven’t they heard of adoption? Someone tell Michelle it’s not the lord’s prick. mjh

Sacramento – Couple with 16

Children May Have More

LITTLE ROCK, AR (AP) — An Arkansas woman who has just given birth to her 16th child is ready

for number 17.

Michelle Duggar had her first child when she was 21, four years after she and Jim Bob Duggar, a former

state lawmaker, were married. She’s now 39 and apparently has gotten the hang of it.

Arkansas Mother Gives Birth to 16th


Jim Bob Duggar, 40, said he and Michelle, 39, want more children.

“We both just love children

and we consider each a blessing from the Lord. I have asked Michelle if she wants more and she said yes, if the Lord wants to

give us some she will accept them,” he said in a telephone interview.

Rail Runner commuter stop groundbreaking set soon

Rail Runner commuter stop groundbreaking set soon by Jane

Moorman News-Bulletin Staff Writer;

Groundbreaking for the Rail Runner commuter train stops in

Los Lunas and Belen will be very soon, according to Lawrence Rael, executive director of the Mid-Region Council of Government.

During an update to the Valencia County Commission on Friday, Rael said Twin Mountain Construction will be doing the work on the

nine rail stations between Belen and Bernalillo.

“All will be started soon,” he said. “Except the one planned for Isleta, which

was just agreed upon by the pueblo and will be located near Isleta Lake. Details are being worked out with the Bureau of Indians


Eight of the passenger cars have arrived at the Albuquerque rail yard and the first locomotive is on its way, Rael said

told the Valencia County Commission during its meeting Friday. “By Dec. 15, we will have 10 cars and five locomotives. A typical

train will be two cars with the locomotive.

While the goal is to have the commuter train running by the end of the year,

Rael said it might be early January. …

Rael said initially the train will run only Monday through

Friday…. [mjh: no train to volleyball on Sunday :-( ]

“Northbound trains will leave Belen early in the morning. There

will be trains in both directions mid-day and one from Albuquerque to Belen in the late afternoon,” he said.

“We will be looking

to see if there is a demand for late evening trains and Saturday. There will be service for special events at both ends of the route.”

Regarding the price for riding the train, Rael said the fare structure will be set by the end of October or early November.

“We will be using a focus group of people in Valencia County during the next few weeks to see what they will be willing to pay,” Rael
