He’s Been to the Mountaintop

Martin Luther King, Jr., “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”

And then I got to Memphis. And some began to say the threats, or talk about the threats that were out. What would happen to me from some of our sick white brothers?

Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter with me now. Because I’ve been to the mountaintop. And I don’t mind. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I’ve looked over. And I’ve seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land. And I’m happy, tonight. I’m not worried about anything. I’m not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.

Sofort mit Ihren Papieren!

ID card plan pits privacy vs. security By ROBERT TANNER

Privacy advocates warn that the new federal standards for driver’s licenses will effectively create a national ID card, centralizing information that can be misused — by letting the government track the whereabouts of innocent people, for instance. Government officials say they’re just making the cards more secure, and that the worries are overblown. …

States can opt out — refuse to make changes to their driver’s licenses that will be required under the federal law — but then the licenses would be useless for any federal purpose, from getting benefits to boarding an airplane guarded by federal screeners. …

Many of the law’s specifics have yet to be decided. Will licenses include biometric information like fingerprints or retinal scans? Will “machine-readable” mean bar codes or radio frequency identification systems — in which a tiny computer chip transmits data and can theoretically be used to track location?

Civil libertarians warn that the push to make the driver’s license the “gold standard” for ID will only make it easier to steal someone’s identity — and will increase the value of counterfeit licenses, undermining the hopes that these steps will provide better security. …

The biggest danger is that, as the nation becomes more security-minded, and relies more on driver’s licenses as ID, our society changes, Johnson said. “You just wind up being a nation where you have to show your papers to go anyplace. That’s something the American people have never put up with.”

Until the Radical Right conquered America through fear. mjh

Fact Checking Bush on SS

Daily Howler: Amazing! One reporter penned the piece which should have been in every paper

Omigod–somebody did it! Somebody wrote the “fact check” report which should have appeared in every newspaper after Bush’s performance last Tuesday. “Bush exaggerates a few facts about Social Security,” said the headline–a headline which was excessively polite. But Rex Nutting actually spotted the news which came from Bush’s ballyhooed forum. Readers, when an American president convenes a big forum and proceeds to lie in the public’s face, that’s the biggest news story that day! As far as we know, only Nutting, among major scribes, bothered to sit down and write it.

Nutting is Washington bureau chief for CBS Marketwatch, and he seems to be the only reporter in that city with the nerve to tell the American people that their president is baldly dissembling. Here’s the opening of his report:

NUTTING (1/11/05): President Bush made several factual errors Tuesday about Social Security’s long-term financing problems at a photo op event designed to educate the public about the retirement system.

Bush vs. facts

Bush: “As a matter of fact, by the time today’s workers who are in their mid-20s begin to retire, the system will be bankrupt. So if you’re 20 years old, in your mid-20s, and you’re beginning to work, I want you to think about a Social Security system that will be flat bust, bankrupt, unless the United States Congress has got the willingness to act now.”

The facts: The Social Security system cannot go “bankrupt,” for it has no creditors. By law, the trustees will continue to pay reduced benefits even if the trust fund is exhausted. Payroll taxes will continue to come in and benefits will continue to be paid.

According to the trustees’ intermediate economic forecast (neither doom nor boom), the trust fund will be able to pay about 73 percent of scheduled benefits in 2042 and about 68 percent of scheduled benefits in 2078.

Future presidents and Congresses could also choose to fully fund scheduled retirement benefits from general tax revenue. …

Bush: “Most younger people in America think they’ll never see a dime.”

The facts: Social Security says younger people will see a lot more than a dime. Their retirement benefits–even under a “flat-bust” system–will be significantly higher than today’s benefits in real terms.

For low-income Americans, currently scheduled benefits for those who retire in 2080 are $19,906 per year in 2004 dollars. If Social Security can pay only 68 percent of those benefits, that would be $13,536 per year, compared with benefits of $8,804 for low-income retirees who retired last year.

For the highest earners, Social Security is currently promising $53,411 per year for those who retire in 2080 (or $36,319 per year if Social Security can pay only 68 percent). Current maximum benefits are $21,891 per year for those who retired last year.

Nutting wrote the kind of report that should have appeared in every newspaper–and on every TV channel as well. When a president convenes a major forum and proceeds to make outrageous misstatements, that is the biggest news of the day. And the American people need to be told that this event has occurred. They deserve to be shown the actual facts. And they deserve to be told, quite directly, that their “president” has been misstating facts.

But only Nutting, at obscure CBS Marketwatch, sat down and wrote this obvious piece. Bigger scribes took a different approach, covering up for the powerful president.


Until The Night, by Billy Joel

I’ve been listening to 52nd Street by Billy Joel. There are a couple of tunes I don’t like, but three that I still love almost a quarter century later: Stilleto, Rosalinda’s Eyes and Until The Night:

Today I do what must be done
I give my time to total strangers
But now it feels as though the the day goes on forever
More than it ever did before

Rally to Protect Public Lands

Join the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance, the Coalition for Valle Vidal, the Coalition for Otero Mesa and Natural Resources Defense Council for a rally for America’s wildest public lands, focusing on Otero Mesa, Valle Vidal, and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Saturday, February 5th, 2005
2 pm – 5 pm

Kimo Theatre, Downtown Albuquerque

Come learn what you can do to help protect Otero Mesa, Valle Vidal, and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from Oil & Gas Development! Enjoy National Conservation Speakers, Local Music, Pueblo Dancers, and Poetry.

Contact Nathan Newcomer at 505/843-8696 for more information.

New Mexico Wilderness Alliance – Home

Save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Tell Congress to keep the refuge off-limits to oil and gas drilling.

NRDC BioGems – Save Endangered Wild Places

Marching Orders and those who march when told to

It seems Mariano Grinbank thinks Democrats are worse than Republicans for trying to be their equals at shaping the discussion (“marching orders” 1/6/05). Sure, there are Democrats who believe winning requires adopting Republican tactics. Not that Democrats are quick to obey orders.

Christianity and other religions are not the problem. Your faith should govern how you encounter the world, it should not be used to govern how others live. America has a system of compromises designed to protect the minority from the majority, to make certain that those who have power can’t abuse it for long. If you are doing god’s will, you don’t have any reason to compromise. In this respect, bin Laden is far more conservative than Bush, though both let their faith dictate everything they do.

Progressives have to stay true to the long trend of our nation towards more liberty, equality and opportunity for every person. There is no reason a Christian can’t be a progressive. It’s not the Ten Commandments that are missing from the public forum — it’s the Golden Rule.

The Radical Right has created a truly unholy alliance, wrapping itself in the flag and the bible. This could easily become America’s form of fascism. Your god is not mine. Live your faith, but leave me in freedom and peace. mjh

Read Grinback’s letter….
Continue reading Marching Orders and those who march when told to