Deep Thoughts from the Right

Social Security Panel Tells Truth [Free Republic] By Stephen Moore

Social Security is the last vestige of the New Deal era of creeping socialism that the left wants to preserve and expand upon rather than modernize.

I have always believed that Social Security is the soft underbelly of the welfare state. If Social Security can be made private, the rest of the architecture of the income redistributionist ideology of the left will soon come crumbling down behind it. …

If workers start demanding that the chains of Social Security be unshackled, soon they might demand financial independence in so many other areas of their lives.

‘likely to mislead the public’ Does Social Security Really Face an $11 Trillion Deficit?

Bush and Cheney say yes. But actuaries say the figure is “likely to mislead” the public on the system’s true financial state.


President Bush and Vice President Cheney have told audiences that Social Security faces an $11 trillion shortfall if nothing is done to fix the current system. But they fail to mention that this is over the course of the “infinite future.” Over the next 75 years — still practically a lifetime — the shortfall is projected to be $3.7 trillion.

The “infinite” projection is one that the American Academy of Actuaries says is likely to mislead the public into thinking the system “is in far worse financial condition than is actually indicated,” and therefore should not be used to explain the long-term outlook.

[follow link above for analysis]

Another Conservative denounces the Bill of Rights

The End of the Rights of Association and Assembly:

Christian Taylor, Free Republic: “ANSWER and some of the other protest groups like Code Pink have allied themselves with the terrorists and with Saddam Hussein. So for them to get permitted demonstration spots along the parade route is akin to giving Sadam Hussein and the terrorists their own cheerleading section.”

ANSWER Los Angeles. Act Now to Stop War and End Racism

Living in the Christian Nation of America

Newspaper shouldn’t print Liberal voices

Why does The Daily Independent print the degenerate views of poisonous Liberals who hate freedom?

[T]he glorious Constitution is there to protect the rights of Christians to profess their faith. This country was founded by good Christians and the Constitution guarantees our right to express our religion.

It just is completely beyond me how we have allowed Liberals to deny us this guaranteed right. …

The Founding Fathers were God-fearing men and never intended the first Amendment to promote other superstitious beliefs. …

Liberals hate people who have managed to raise their station in life, and instead insist on giving money away to the irresponsible….

No one can serve two masters, either your are a good conservative with God or you are not with God. Remember: A bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

B.M. [really!]
Ridgecrest, California

[updated with a second letter 2/4/05]

Ridgecrest Daily Independent: Letter To The Editor

Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:37 PM PST


I must apologize for the letters I’ve written to the Editor.

I didn’t use the right words and didn’t intend the way it sounded. I’ve talked about the letters in the editorial section with some dear and supportive friends and realize how offensive some of the points I made could be.

I also learned some insights from my church group and with their help think I understand the points made earlier by other contributors as well as what the Bible means.

Jesus was tolerant and loved everyone – especially the poor and outcasts. As a couple of other letters pointed out, I now see that in some ways Jesus Himself was not very like a modern conservative and that has me thinking. I also see that all who are religious have equal rights and no religion can be held above the others, whether in school or anywhere else.

I understand now that I offended many people who I had no right to offend and I am sorry.

Billie Miller

[via The Daily Aneurysm at]

Newspaper shouldn’t print Liberal voices

Newspaper shouldn’t print Liberal voices

[T]he glorious Constitution is there to protect the rights of Christians to profess their faith. This country was founded by good Christians and the Constitution guarantees our right to express our religion.

It just is completely beyond me how we have allowed Liberals to deny us this guaranteed right.

Oh, they raise ridiculous arguments like other (false) religions would be “upset” if they were forced to pray alongside the righteous in schools or council meetings.

Surely those others would appreciate the opportunity to be saved. As God’s chosen people, we Christians have the right to express our religion and praise tolerant, patient and merciful God, and I don’t want to read any more letters from Liberals suggesting non-believers should be allowed to express their superstitions just because we Christians can express ours.

The Founding Fathers were God-fearing men and never intended the first Amendment to promote other superstitious beliefs.