In Which I Give All Liberals A Black Eye (and refuse to apologize)

I’m a conservative myself, have been a conservative as long as I’ve been thinking on political matters, and have known any number of conservatives over the decades. And while I’m sure there are ignorant, vitriolic conservatives — or more precisely, pseudo-conserviatives — in the land, after 30 or more years of being a conservative I have only met such people in liberal attacks.

Were conservatives as bad as Hinton claims, I’d have become a liberal about 30 years ago. But we’re not. Quite the contrary. In my experience the best place to locate political hate speech is in liberal expressions — Hinton’s letter being a fine example of this.

Granted that a letter to the editor does not provide infinite room for expatiation, but surely Hinton could have spent a few words on issues rather than putting all his effort into sneers and slurs. By restricting himself to such personal assaults, Hinton has caused liberals to appear to be what he claims conservatives are. — Robert McKay

Regarding Robert McKay’s response to my letter (mjh’s Blog: Radical Right Writer Rants), which was in response to Paul Linkenheimer’s letter [“It’s liberals who are whackos (so feel sorry for them),” 9/2/04]: I’m sorry Mr. McKay didn’t read Linkenheimer’s letter. I’d be interested in his response to that letter. It is interesting that ignorant of anything from Linkenheimer’s letter, McKay is still comfortable assuming that I’m the bad guy.

I respect McKay’s pride in his conservative perspective and his subtle disparagement of my liberal view. I think neither of us is truly objective.

I question one thing from his letter: “I’m sure there are ignorant, vitriolic conservatives — or more precisely, pseudo-conservatives….” I understand and share McKay’s desire to distance himself from the Radical Right, but they call themselves conservatives, they win conservative votes, they repel and repudiate liberals — how can anyone call them ‘pseudo-conservatives’? In fact, I have heard people in the Republican Party who would call McKay the pseudo-conservative if he deviates from the narrowest definition. The Radical Right will not become more inclusive and tolerant in the next 4 years — no matter who wins in November. That’s not hate speech; that’s the truth. mjh

A Conservative Critique of Bush in the First Debate

Jay Nordlinger on Election 2004 & Debate #1 on National Review Online

Although the two candidates had the same amount of time, Kerry got many, many more words in. And they weren’t rushed words. Kerry spoke at a good, measured pace all through.

Bush said, “We’re makin’ progress” a hundred times — that seemed a little desperate. He also said “mixed messages” a hundred times — I was wishing that he would mix his message. He said, “It’s hard work,” or, “It’s tough,” a hundred times. In fact, Bush reminded me of Dan Quayle in the 1988 debate, when the Hoosier repeated a couple of talking points over and over, to some chuckles from the audience (if I recall correctly).

Staying on message is one thing; robotic repetition — when there are oceans of material available — is another. …

I hate to say it, but often Bush gave the appearance of being what his critics charge he is: callow, jejune, unserious. And remember — talk about repetition! — I concede this as someone who loves the man. …

Why did Bush keep requesting a special 30 seconds to say the same thing over and over? …

I’m thinking that Bush didn’t respect Kerry enough. That he didn’t prepare enough. That he had kind of a disdain for the assignment….

I have a feeling that Bush could have done just the same — exactly the same, no better, no worse — with zero preparation. With no practice at all. Just wingin’ it.

The Look

Reaction Shots May Tell Tale of Debate (

smirk? grimace?Bush has flashed such expressions — and worse — at reporters when they ask him hostile questions. But the public has generally not seen the president’s more petulant side, in part because he is rarely challenged in a public venue. He has held fewer news conferences than any modern predecessor, Congress is in his party’s control, and he has a famously loyal staff. In rare instances when Bush has been vigorously challenged — most recently in interviews with an Irish television journalist and a French magazine — he has reacted with similar indignation.

the lookAs questions continued about Bush’s demeanor on Thursday night, his aides have changed their explanation of it. On Thursday night, adviser Karen Hughes said: “On his face, you could see his irritation at the senator’s misrepresentations.” But by Friday morning, Mehlman said: “I don’t know that he was irritated.”

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“Long story short: no one was a bigger GWB supporter than me, but I have seen his negativity, ineptitude, and mismanagement over the past 4 years and I can’t wait until Kerry is in the Whitehouse!”

Ballots for Overseas Voters

Americans Overseas for Kerry-Edwards (AOK)

Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB)

2004_vote_1 As a service to American voters residing overseas, AOK is making available a downloadable copy of the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB) which may sent to your local election office by post. This is the so-called “emergency ballot” designed to be used when the voter has not received a local ballot in time to ensure that the completed ballot can be returned by the deadline, which can be as early as the Friday before election day or as late as November 12th, depending on the State. The Federal Voters Assistance Program (FVAP) suggests using the emergency ballot if you have not received your regular ballot by October 10. Most States require the completed ballot be received by election day, and some permit the ballot to be faxed back.

Overseas Vote 2004 | U.S. Overseas Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request

Welcome to the first online Overseas Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request system.

This registration and ballot request is for the upcoming Federal Election on November 2, 2004 only.

Hammer DeLay

Analysts Consider DeLay’s Rebukes ( By Charles Babington

With House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) now involved directly or tangentially in a handful of ethics cases and investigations, some analysts say that another setback could substantially weaken the lawmaker’s ability to champion Republican causes and candidates.

DeLay’s bare-knuckle tactics have sparked controversy and Democratic ire for years, but Thursday’s 62-page report by the House ethics committee highlighted DeLay’s questionable arm-twisting of GOP members when crucial votes are at stake. …

The report’s conclusion marked the second time in five years that the ethics committee has chastised DeLay. A third setback, which conceivably could come from a pending complaint, would fuel critics’ claims that DeLay has crossed an ethical threshold, several analysts said yesterday. …

DeLay [is] an energetic partisan admired by many colleagues and loathed by Democrats….

Delay is known as “the Hammer,” not what you’d call a compassionate conservative. He has a sign in his office to the effect of ‘Today may be the Day’ (of the Rapture). mjh

Impeach Tom DeLay!
Lord of the Right Wing
Tom Delay is corrupt