Left Undone, Part 3

And so, as you might guess from my previous message, we haven’t had an election in a long time. Even before the Vote Delivery System was completed, only Believers were winning. Eventually, only Believers were running. Finally, it was deemed too expensive to hold elections for the few rich white landowners still allowed to vote (the Supreme Court of Devout Elders called that “original intent” and “strict construction”, as pronounced by Cardinal Scalia). The very last election disbanded the House of Reverends and the Senate of Angels, replacing the Constitution with the Bible as interpreted by the True Patriot Act. With that, Our New Lord became God’s Right Hand for Life, with his brother anointed for succession. The Believers celebrated the final destruction of the Federal Government, the great enemy of free enterprise and the Confederacy. The heads of trial lawyers on pikes surrounded the Lincoln Memorial (some dared whisper Lincoln himself was a trial lawyer – blasphemy). The face of Our New Lord replaced Lincoln on Mount Rushmore.

But no one misses the elections. It was terrible enduring all those commercials, all the phone calls and mailings, all the people insisting that you pay attention to the process, think and choose carefully. And, at the time, the uncertainty was unbearable – why vote if you can lose? Eventually, the Believers convinced everyone the vile gay-liberals would only try to steal the elections on their way to destroying everything moral. We all know this from the Six O’Clock Gospel. His Truth: “Good news for you is bad news for the wicked.”

Most of us are too busy to care about “participating.” Everyone but the Righteous Rich has several jobs. His Truth: “Work will set you free.” Everyone listens to The Voice of Truth on radio and watches TruthTV (lottery winners every hour after Prayer Moment!) The Believers don’t care because their Day is very near.

Oh-oh, trouble’s coming.

Warning! The Ministry of Faith-based Justice will not allow gay-liberals to continue to threaten the moral fabric of the Christian Republic of America. You traitors hate America and Our New Lord. You will pay on Earth and in Hell. Signed: Assistant Minister of Faith-based Justice Tom Delay

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mjh’s blog — Left Undone
Left Undone, Part 1
Left Undone, Part 2

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