Category Archives: 2013 A Month of Somedays

A virtual chapbook of poems by Mark Justice Hinton.


High in the mountains,
I wish I could
absorb the cold clear air,
soak up some snowmelt,
capture the rush of the wind
and the sudden quiet in the pause.
I wish I could
take all of this in
and carry it home
to the desert.

I’d invite over friends
and breathe out a cool wet breath
drop ice in their drinks
and let them put their heads
to my heart to hear
the thunder of waterfalls.
And each in turn would look into my eyes
at the light from the top of the world.
Cool, they would say,
Que cool. mjh

06-10-03 in Colorado, of course

new growth

We planted this mimosa
when I turned 50.
Mom always said,
“every man should plant a tree
and raise a son.”

I’ve planted many trees
and this one started out
just right
the mantis in the branches
saying a benediction

But life has its own way
of moving forward
that sturdy little tree
seemed dead in spring
our hopes dashed
until new growth sprang up
from still lively roots
growing its own way
around and past the dead

With luck
I’ll play buddha to this banyan
beneath the birds
an old man nodding in its filtered shade
a book of poetry in my lap
a cold cuppa coffee by my side mjh


Pocket poem

He checked his pocket for change
and pulled out a poem.
To his credit, he valued words
more than money.
The cashier smiled and asked,
Do you want a receipt?
Yes, please.
She scribbled a response.

In this economy,
words are coins but
it’s how you arrange them
that adds value,
enriching poets and
making editors
investment counselors.


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[written for Poem in Your Pocket Day, 4/18/2013]