just as you were supposed to be

Maybe I just have unreasonable expectations of the Albuquerque Journal. Perhaps I misunderstand notions like “paper of record” or “above the fold.” It may well be that I don’t appreciate the terrible pressure newspapers are under to give the people what they want and to compete with all the media choices at hand.

Still, I am shocked and disappointed to find on the front page, above the fold, an ad, er, “article” on a new department store in town. An “article” that gushes about “the most anticipated retail outlet to hit Albuquerque in years.” (I know I’ve had trouble sleeping — I thought it had to do with the shifting balance of political power, the clash of radical religious fanatics and the destruction of the world by us all.) But, of course, “You have probably already heard and seen … ads— a year’s worth. You may have wondered where the stores were. And you may have been flush with anticipation, just as you were supposed to be.” “One Journal reader has called the newspaper regularly for an opening date.” (Every village has an idiot.)

I do, actually, appreciate that people have to shop and we all want affordable choices. I have no gripes with the shoppers at this store, nor its employees. Anymore than I have a gripe with the readers of the Journal or most of its employees. My gripe is with the editors who see this as one of the most important stories of the day in all of New Mexico. If that’s true, we are almost beyond hope. mjh

PS: Barely a week has passed since my last swipe at the Journal’s front page editor(s) (mjh’s blog — Saguaro-gate). I risk harping my one note and further alienating 25% of my readership (I hope you weren’t the one calling the Journal regularly!). For what it’s worth, in the last week, I held my tongue when the great dilemma facing high school team mascots dominated the front page.

ABQjournal: [deleted] Plans to Bring a Fresh Look to Albuquerque’s Retail Market By Susan Stiger

Is Heather Wilson a Racist?

I don’t ask that provocative question because Wilson is white, went to a predominately white school, works in an overwhelmingly white institution and chooses to live in a state with a very small Black population. These are not reasons to assume she is a racist — they all apply to me, as well.

I ask the question because of a question Wilson asked Madrid in debate. Wilson asked Madrid why she doesn’t condemn Al Sharpton as a racist and anti-Semite. Regrettably, Madrid hedged the question. We liberals don’t like being forced by others to condemn our allies. Ours was the big tent before the Republicans stole the concept (and stuck us with the cleaning bill). Condemnation comes more naturally to the arrogant, the self-righteous and the powerful.

I have no reason to believe that Wilson is a racist. Clearly, she is an opportunist, looking to drive a wedge between Jews, Blacks and Hispanics. Admittedly, not nearly as big a wedge as Sharpton himself has done, but Wilson is happy to sow ill-ease among constituencies that tend to favor Democrats. It’s the Rovian Way. The referendum this fall is on the tactics of sleight-of-hand, divide & conquer, and keep them all afraid. Will it continue to work?

Can anyone tell me what Wilson said when Trent Lott waxed nostalgic for the lost opportunities of the segregationist Strom Thurmond’s presidency; gosh, if only ole Strom had won. Funny — I remember Wilson’s thoughts about Janet Jackson’s breast, but not what she had to say about Lott or Thurmond. Someone, please remind me.

Segregationists are by definition racists. Where did they all go when they fled the Democratic party in the Sixties? Did they just stop voting? What an odd coincidence that the Republican Party took over the South in the same period. Not that any Southerners or Republicans are racists anymore.

The sad truth is that bigotry, racism and hate are human qualities that most of us are capable of and too many of us express without shame or self-awareness. There are Republican racists and Democratic racists, black, white, Jewish, Muslim, and Christian racists. Even atheist racists. Denying that or pretending to be holier than someone else doesn’t change that fact. It just confirms the human frailties that unite us, even as our words divide us. mjh

PS: I take offense at Wilson’s arrogant invocation of her Honor Code. I also attended an institution with a simple and rigid honor code. Unless she is working at cleaning up the US House of Representatives, which sorely lacks an Honor Code — and I see NO evidence of that — she is clearly in violation of her Honor Code and mine. Expulsion is the only punishment.

[update 10/1/06]

ABQjournal: 300 Turn Out for Speech by Sharpton By Debra Dominguez-Lund, Journal Staff Writer

“Why denounce Democrats when you can ask your own Republican leaders— President Bush and Karl Rove— why they stood next to me at the Voters Rights Act signing at the White House this summer?” asked Sharpton, the 2004 Democratic presidential primary candidate. “I was invited to the White House and acknowledged by them, now I await sister Wilson to denounce them, too.”

Save Yourself, Blame Bush

Save Yourself, Blame Bush – washingtonpost.com By Joe Scarborough

I can’t help but feel sorry for my old Republican friends in Congress who are fighting for their political lives. After all, it must be tough explaining to voters at their local Baptist church’s Keep Congress Conservative Day that it was their party that took a $155 billion surplus and turned it into a record-setting $400 billion deficit.

How exactly does one convince the teeming masses that Republicans deserve to stay in power despite botching a war, doubling the national debt, keeping company with Jack Abramoff, fumbling the response to Hurricane Katrina, expanding the government at record rates, raising cronyism to an art form, playing poker with Duke Cunningham, isolating America and repeatedly electing Tom DeLay as their House majority leader?

How does a God-fearing Reagan Republican explain all that away?

Easy. Blame George W. Bush. …

Republicans on the Hill [have done] little more than rubber-stamp Bush’s domestic and international agenda because lawmakers were intimidated by his power and his popularity with the Republican base.

Even when the administration would not give generals the troops they needed to win the war in Iraq, Republican leaders did nothing. When the president refused to veto a single spending bill while the deficit spiraled upward, Republican leaders looked away. And when chaos was reigning in the streets of New Orleans and across the Gulf Coast in Katrina’s horrific aftermath, Republican leaders remained mute.

That silence — proof that it is better to be feared than loved in politics — has had devastating results. The United States is more divided than ever, our leaders are despised around the world, our fiscal situation is catastrophic and congressional approval ratings are the lowest ever. Since nothing sharpens the mind like a political hanging, Republican leaders in the Senate and House are finally considering doing what effete newspaper editorialists have suggested for years: throwing Bush overboard.

Of course, the mere suggestion makes some Republican loyalists shudder. Being a faithful follower of Brother Bush has long been synonymous with loving Jesus, supporting the troops and taking a stand against sodomy. But no more. Many of the conservatives who put Ronald Reagan and Newt Gingrich in power are counting the days until Bush goes to Crawford for good. Some mutter that their leader’s governing style looks more like Jimmy Carter’s every day — and among that crowd, there is no harsher insult.

Soldiers Are Dying Because of Gays god GOP

I’m sure you’ve heard of that Baptist church whose congregation is on a bizarre and inhumane mission to punish grieving families at funerals. In their tiny, twisted minds, god kills soldiers (even straight ones) because America tolerates gays. (The flip side is god will reward America for punishing gays.) These are horrible, horrible people and more proof there is no god or he’s not as decent as you’d like to believe.

I’ve been wondering how these Baptists vote. Do they strike you as communists/socialists/feminists/Liberals/Democrats? Yeah, me neither. mjh

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Hurting U.S. Terror Fight

Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Hurting U.S. Terror Fight By Karen DeYoung, Washington Post Staff Writer

The war in Iraq has become a primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers may be increasing faster than the United States and its allies can reduce the threat, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded.

A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the “centrality” of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. It concludes that, rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, the situation in Iraq has worsened the U.S. position, according to officials familiar with the classified document. …

The latest terrorism assessment paints a portrait of a global war in which Iraq is less the central front of actual combat than a unifying battle cry for disparate extremist groups and even individuals. “It is just those kinetic actions that lead to the radicalization of others,” a senior counterterrorism official said earlier this summer. “Surgical strikes? Nothing is surgical about military operations. They tend to have impacts, affects.”

That description contrasts with Bush’s emphasis this month on offensive military action in Iraq and elsewhere as the United States’ principal road to victory in the global war.

“Many Americans . . . ask the same question five years after 9/11,” he said in a speech in Atlanta earlier this month. “The answer is yes. America is safer. We are safer because we have taken action to protect the homeland. We are safer because we are on the offensive against our enemies overseas. We’re safer because of the skill and sacrifice of the brave Americans who defend our people.”

But “a really big hole” in the U.S. strategy, a second counterterrorism official said, “is that we focus on the terrorists and very little on how they are created. If you looked at all the resources of the U.S. government, we spent 85, 90 percent on current terrorists, not on how people are radicalized.”


Thank goodness the Albuquerque Journal is on top of Saguaro-gate. In a front page, above-the-fold article, the top news of the day is the criminal misuse of saguaros in a political ad that points out Heather Wilson’s close alignment with Duhbya. I note there was no argument about the facts in the ad, just the graphical error.

Will the Journal be exposing the shocking fact that major advertiser, American Homeland Furnishings, sold coyotes wearing bandannas, something never seen in the wild?

If you want the finest PR unlimited funds can buy, vote Republican. If you are tired of the same-old fear tactics, stay-the-course and admit no errors, vote Democratic. mjh

ABQjournal: Anti-Wilson Ad Poses Prickly ProblemBy Jeff Jones, Journal Politics Writer
Copyright © 2006 Albuquerque Journal

Democrats have unintentionally revived a prickly topic with a new TV pitch targeting Republican Rep. Heather Wilson.

Their high-dollar ad in New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District features dozens of saguaro cactuses, which don’t grow in New Mexico and have long been a thorn in the side of New Mexico purists who know better.

[mjh: This is the most emailed article on abqjoural.com today. Sigh. We get what we deserve.]

Sleeping Gas

Remember a few months ago, when gas prices passed $3 per gallon? People were angry and weren’t going to stand for it. Somebody should do something, they muttered at the pumps. Congressional hearings were held. Our commander-in-chief-executive, the failed oil tycoon, talked about hydrogen cars again.

Leave aside that it was ridiculous to be upset at such relatively cheap gas. Ignore that we haven’t had shortages like we had 30 years ago, during the oil embargo that taught us nothing except that we’ll pay anything for a fix (what an ironic use of that word).

Now, gas prices are in free-fall less than 2 months before a crucial election. Simple market forces at work? Or could it be:

(1) Corporations know that Republicans serve them better than Democrats;

(2) Foreign oil producers know that Republicans serve them better than Democrats.

Wouldn’t want the rabble roused. Go back to sleep. mjh