
Thank goodness the Albuquerque Journal is on top of Saguaro-gate. In a front page, above-the-fold article, the top news of the day is the criminal misuse of saguaros in a political ad that points out Heather Wilson’s close alignment with Duhbya. I note there was no argument about the facts in the ad, just the graphical error.

Will the Journal be exposing the shocking fact that major advertiser, American Homeland Furnishings, sold coyotes wearing bandannas, something never seen in the wild?

If you want the finest PR unlimited funds can buy, vote Republican. If you are tired of the same-old fear tactics, stay-the-course and admit no errors, vote Democratic. mjh

ABQjournal: Anti-Wilson Ad Poses Prickly ProblemBy Jeff Jones, Journal Politics Writer
Copyright © 2006 Albuquerque Journal

Democrats have unintentionally revived a prickly topic with a new TV pitch targeting Republican Rep. Heather Wilson.

Their high-dollar ad in New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District features dozens of saguaro cactuses, which don’t grow in New Mexico and have long been a thorn in the side of New Mexico purists who know better.

[mjh: This is the most emailed article on today. Sigh. We get what we deserve.]

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