Is knee-to-balls taught at the APD police academy? Seems so.

Officer Dear shot a teenage girl last month. His video camera wasn’t on. A year earlier, his video camera wasn’t on when he kneed a speeder in the groin. Last month, a different cop kneed a DWI suspect in the groin so hard the victim lost a testicle.

  • Does the police academy teach officers to knee non-violent citizens in the groin?
  • Has anyone ever been reprimanded at APD for violence against non-violent citizens?

I want to hear from the police academy. I want all of the instructors to stand up and say we NEVER encourage our students to use violence in a non-violent situation and we ALWAYS tell them to use their video cameras. I want to hear that from every single instructor at the police academy. If they can’t all say that honestly, it’s time for heads to roll at the academy. Then, the mayor can fire police supervisors who don’t punish violent cops.

No video of Mary Hawkes shooting, APD says | Albuquerque Journal News

in February 2013, Dear pulled a man over for speeding. The man later filed a citizen complaint, alleging Dear used excessive force by pulling him out of his car, kicking him in the genitals and setting the handcuffs too tight.

Dear denied the excessive force allegations and said his lapel camera died soon after he approached the man. It’s unclear from the file whether he was disciplined.

No video of Mary Hawkes shooting, APD says | Albuquerque Journal News