Time to recall the reason for the season: Peace on Earth, Good Will To All. Recently, the Albuquerque Journal ran a letter in which the writer declaimed that Christ is the Alpha and Omega of the holiday season:
ABQJOURNAL OPINION/LETTERS: There’s 1 Reason for the Season
I WANTED TO comment on Obama’s statements he made in a speech, that the United States is not a Christian nation but instead is a country of "citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values." My response is that it is a load of bull. Anyone who knows the history of this great country is aware of the truth: that the founding fathers were Christian men who founded this country to be a Christian nation based upon Christian values.
As for the people who try to keep Christ out of all the celebrations this time of year, I would like to know, exactly what is it they think these celebrations are for? Maybe they have some reason for celebrating on Dec. 25 I’m not aware of. As far as I know, the one and only reason for the world-wide celebration on that day … is a birthday party. – STinker
ABQJOURNAL OPINION/LETTERS: There’s 1 Reason for the Season
Soon after, several other letters appeared from those who disagreed. This one is representative:
The Founding Fathers, to which Mr. STinker refers, were not all practicing Christians. They did not intend to create a Christian nation. Nowhere in the Constitution did they put the word Christian, or Jesus, or Christ. In fact, the very first amendment they added to that marvelous Constitution grants freedom of religion to all Americans.
In addition, not only are most of the people in the world not Christian, and therefore do not celebrate Dec. 25, not even all Christian sects consider Dec. 25 as the day marking Jesus’ birth.
Our president was absolutely correct. We are not a Christian nation. Rather, we are a nation of people bound by certain ideals; among those is freedom of religion.
Happy Chanukah, Joyful Kwanza, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, peaceful Ramadan, and may all celebrate their religion in freedom and respect. — A. FLICKER
As an atheist, I have no objection to people being nice, friendly, festive, and generous. The holidays – the weeks from Thanksgiving through New Years, really are the most wonderful time of the year (if you don’t feel compelled to shop). We gather, we catch up, we brighten each others lives a bit. It’s ironic people need to be forced to be nice by rules and faith, but, whatever works. Far worse, are those whose faith says “love one another,” but who, in fact, hate those who are different. Further proof that religion has outlived its usefulness and may well cause more harm than good. Merry Solstice and a Happy New Calendar to one and all. Joy to the World. peace, mjh
Amen. :-) Solstice is the reason for the
Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth. If you don’t want to celebrate it,
don’t. You certainly have that right. But, leave Christmas alone for those of us who do believe on Jesus and want to celebrate His
birth. You’re free to have a Merry Solstice day or whatever on a different day and I don’t have to celebrate it. Merry, uh, I mean
happy, uh, oh, shoot, Have a Nice Day!
Happy Whatever, Pamela. peace, mjh
Thank you and Peace to you!