John Stewart has been my friend longer than anyone outside of my family – more than 47 years. We live very different lives – his in London, mine in Albuquerque – and we don’t communicate frequently enough (but I’m guilty of that with everyone I know – it’s not you, it’s me). Still, we’re good friends.
I have just put some new photos on the Web. I hope you’ll have a look, enjoy them, and let me know what you think. These are just a few from hundreds taken over about a 6 week period, during which time Merri and I had visits from John Stewart and Steve O’Neill. We also traveled to Prescott, Arizona, and camped along the way over a few days (hot and dry, of course). I got to return to two fantastic National Monuments: Tuzigoot and Montezuma’s Castle (and Well).
We also took a trip just north of Chama, New Mexico and barely into Colorado, discovering some new places and returning to some familiar. That is a spectacular, mountainous area; it spit rain and snow on us once, and was cold at night (36°F). We got our wish to camp by streams every night (and paid for that in mosquito bites).
In June, we seemed to spend more time than usual seeing the sights inside Albuquerque. We went to the Biopark (Aquarium and Botanical Garden — plus Butterfly Pavilion — adjacent to the Zoo) a couple of times, including a concert. We went to the rebuilt Isotopes Park — shockingly expensive, though busy and beautiful.
All in all, it was a great, long vacation, even without our usual longer camping trip. mjh
See some of the pictures: Photos around Albuquerque.
ps: if you are interested, I’ve also written something about the evolution of the mechanism I use for presenting these pictures.

John Stewart is my oldest friend (since second grade). We were pleased he could visit us, if only for 32 hours, in May.
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." — Sam Adams