How to punish people for gun “accidents”

This gun owner should never be allowed to own a gun again. He should surrender all guns, make apology and restitution to the woman, and be required to make numerous public appearances to warn others about stupid mistakes.

The person who sold this gun should prove that he provided this owner with gun cleaning lessons. If he cannot, he should never own or sell another gun again. We reduce mistakes by motivating people not to make mistakes. Apparently not shooting someone isn’t motivation enough. Hit the fools where it hurts. Zero tolerance.

By Associated Press
Wednesday, January 6th, 2016 at 2:28pm

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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Police in Colorado Springs say a woman sitting on a couch in her apartment was shot through a wall after her neighbor accidentally fired his gun while cleaning it.

The woman was taken to the hospital after Tuesday night’s shooting with what police described as a minor injury.

Police say 51-year-old Frank Dawkins accidentally fired his gun and the round went through a wall separating his apartment from his neighbor’s. Dawkins, who called police to report the shooting, was arrested on a count of illegal discharge of a firearm.

Dawkins was not being held in jail Wednesday and a phone number listed for him was not working.