How does a law that allow police to arrest you if you don’t show an ID *and* requires a loyalty
oath *and* discourages municipalities from expressing opposition to the USA PATRIOT ACT (a deceitful name) — how does such a law get
passed “with barely a word of dissent”? Because people are scared and legislators are scared of the people. We have nothing to fear but
fear itself. mjh
Politics – New Ohio Law Allows Cops to Request ID
Ohio Republican Gov. Bob Taft on Wednesday signed a bill into law passed by
the state legislature with barely a word of dissent. Supporters of the state’s security measure, which takes effect in 90 days, say
it’s a tool the state can use in fighting terrorism. …
But dissent is building over authority given to police officers, who can
now ask, “What’s your name?” as a tool to fight terrorism. Failure to identify oneself could land an individual in jail.
call the measure the Ohio Patriot Act. The law also requires those applying for state driver’s licenses to sign a form that they
haven’t supported terrorist organizations.
blog — Let Me See Your ID