Category Archives: Theirs

Balance — who cares about fair

What is this about?
I said Far From Balanced and Cheap Shots (the two entries just before this one), then he said and the last word (which unfortunately was


Careful, John, your tone may be closer to Lush’s than Jefferson’s (”fallacious,” ”anything

useful,” ‘something to say’). Perhaps we’re all products of our time.

You may be shocked to learn I was raised on the scientific

method and enjoy logical discourse. When someone turns to you and says, ”gee, it’s hot today,” do you respond with, ”not

really, in the context of the last 100 years” or, more simply, ”prove it!” Or should I ask about your average reaction is to a

statistically significant sampling of people commenting on the weather — the anecdotal being meaningless?

I honestly don’t know what

to say at this point (gasp!). Do I have to conduct a rigorous study of anything I want to comment on? Do I have to present my views

weakly to be credible? Did I overlook the Blog Standards of Ethical Conduct? Understand, I’m not flaming you for your blog entry (I

almost made the blogroll!). I do feel weirdly singled out and ill to be in the company in which you put me — and I’m wise enough to

allow you may be right.

Just so you know, I’ve cut out the withering half of my reply. Lush would never do that.



For anyone listening in (and wondering ”what’s wrong with these boys?”): I do recommend John Fleck’s

writings, including his blog. I especially liked his piece on the

first big rain of the summer.

Fight for Free Speech

ABQjournal: AG Reaps Rewards of Early Edwards Endorsement By Michael

Coleman, Journal Washington Bureau

I looked briefly for some New Mexicans in that oddly creepy, dimly-lit “free speech” cage that

convention organizers set up for protesters outside the FleetCenter, but couldn’t find any. That’s not to say they weren’t there,

but by the third day of the convention it seemed few protesters even bothered to show up.

I understand the concerns about security

and all, but it’s sad that we’ve reached a point in our society where free speech has to be confined to a chain-link fence.

One man — a protester inside the cag — saw my media badge as I walked away from the cage and shook the fence to get my attention.

“Mr. Media Man — does this look like free speech to you,” he yelled as his fingers clutched the wire fence.

“Barely,” I

thought, as I shuffled off to the convention hall.

Amen, Cal

Cal Thomas

Neither the cultural problem nor its solution can

be found in Washington. It lies in the decisions by millions of Americans … to construct their own moral authority. Sufficiently

large numbers of Americans either do not believe, or do not practice, what the Scriptures teach and cannot be made to do so through a

constitutional amendment or any other law. …

Perhaps if those pushing for a constitutional amendment better modeled what they

preach for others, they might find more favor among secular powers. …

Conservative Christians could use an “extreme makeover”

to repair their own homes before they demand that others conform to a standard they themselves have trouble meeting. …

Paul [the

Apostle] does not tell believers to embrace politics to influence or change the Roman government. Quite the contrary. He says, “Have

nothing to do with them” (2 Timothy 3:1-5). …

To seek to implement such a code [as the Bible] through human law is an exercise in

futility and is neither expected nor mandated in that New Testament covenant.

The Bible is a book for those who would accept its

message. Should anyone who does not believe it be expected to obey what it says?

America may be living on borrowed time, but

its “lease” will not be extended by new laws or constitutional amendments. … I wouldn’t count on a “wicked and adulterous generation”

rescuing itself through a marriage amendment or any other human effort.

The Writer’s Almanac (again)

I keep forgetting the Writer’s

Almanac, which surprises me because every time NewMexiKen reminds me to visit it, I find much to

enjoy and too many things I’d like to quote. Go see for yourself, but here are few from this week.mjh

”I wanted safety in blue

distance, illimitable, uninhabited. I wanted … the grandeur of free solitude.” and ”Beauty is excrescence, superabundance, random

ebullience, and sheer delightful waste to be enjoyed in its own right.” — naturalist and writer Donald Culross Peattie

My book is

an open life / …
Until something transcendent turns up
I plash in my poetry puddle
and try to keep God amused
— Having Come This

Far by James Broughton

It is marvellous to wake up together
At the same minute; marvellous to hear
The rain begin suddenly all over

the roof
— It is Marvellous by Elizabeth Bishop

It rained all of some hundredths of an inch yesterday (12 drops at my

house), a technicality ‘ending‘ our 5th longest stretch without measurable rain. Better than nothing — truly so, no matter how

close to nothing it seems. mjh

See the poem, “The Vacuum,” by Howard Nemerov.

And let us all remember and

celebrate George Orwell (born Eric Blair) on his birthday, Friday, 6/25 (1903). mjh

”Every line of

serious work that I have written [since the Spanish Civil War] has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism.”

”The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one’s real and one’s declared aims, one turns …

instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink.”

”If liberty means anything at all, it

means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

MPR’s The Writer’s Almanac

Amen, Jon

ABQjournal: Letters to the Editor

Our culture seems to be slowly moving toward a civil thuggery supported by

increasingly brutish legal and governmental bodies.

The Department of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act are part and

parcel to the militarization of our society. …

I am saddened to see our local governments being allowed to criminalize

accidental incidents to the extent that they are. Compassion, understanding and forgiveness are being replaced with blame, punishment

and criminalization. What a shame.
