Category Archives: QOTD

Quote of the Day

“The party that once sold hope has become instead the party of grouchy codgers yelling at the future to get off their lawn.” — Leonard Pitts Jr. [amen] #qotd

Looking for morning in America – Leonard Pitts Jr. –

It reminds us that Republicans are no longer about sunshine and can-do. These days, they simply seem cranky and dyspeptic. As in Herman Cain vowing to build a fence to electrocute Mexicans, Newt Gingrich verbally punching out the media and debate audiences cheering for record executions and the death of the uninsured. As in Jan Brewer poking her finger in the president’s face.

Under Reagan, optimism about the future was the Republican brand. But that brand has curdled in the ensuing 30 years and the party that once sold hope has become instead the party of grouchy codgers yelling at the future to get off their lawn.

Thus, it has become the party of resentment and resistance, the last stand against ongoing racial, religious, cultural and sexual upheaval, the Alamo in the fight to forestall change. …Ronald Reagan would not recognize his party today. Morning in America is almost 30 years gone. It’s high noon now.

Looking for morning in America – Leonard Pitts Jr. –

“waking up to read a little, draft long letters, / and, along the city’s avenues, / fitfully wander, when the wild leaves loosen.” — Day in Autumn by Rainer Maria Rilke

Day in Autumn by Rainer Maria Rilke : Poetry Magazine

Day in Autumn

By Rainer Maria Rilke

Translated By Mary Kinzie Read the translator’s notes

After the summer’s yield, Lord, it is time
to let your shadow lengthen on the sundials
and in the pastures let the rough winds fly.

As for the final fruits, coax them to roundness.
Direct on them two days of warmer light
to hale them golden toward their term, and harry
the last few drops of sweetness through the wine.

Whoever’s homeless now, will build no shelter;
who lives alone will live indefinitely so,
waking up to read a little, draft long letters,   
and, along the city’s avenues,
fitfully wander, when the wild leaves loosen.

Day in Autumn by Rainer Maria Rilke : Poetry Magazine

Our guts “are like coral reefs inhabited by many diverse creatures interacting with each other and with us."

I’ve long used the Amazon jungle simile, but I like the coral reef reference. Keep this in mind when a doctor casually prescribes antibiotics – you may be killing an important part of you. Feed your gut; love your fauna; tend the world within.

Viruses in the human gut show dynamic response to diet

… said Dr. Frederic Bushman of the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, senior author of the study…

The digestive system is home to a myriad of viruses, but how they are involved in health and disease is poorly understood. In a study published online August 30 in Genome Research, researchers have investigated the dynamics of virus populations in the human gut, shedding new light on the gut "virome" and how it differs between people and responds to changes in diet. …

The interactions between viruses, bacteria, and the human host likely have significant consequences for human health and disease, especially in the delicate ecosystem of the gut microbiome.

Viruses in the human gut show dynamic response to diet