Category Archives: photos

Photos by mark justice hinton.

12th Annual Trip to Bosque del Apache

Every year, six of us rent a van and drive to Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, south of Socorro, New Mexico. We usually make this trip closer to Christmas, but this year it was a sunny, warm day in February. We stopped at Bernardo State Wildlife Area, a beautiful area closer to Albuquerque. Birding is our official mission, but camaraderie and good food matter more. We picked up the world’s best fudge in San Antonio, shared a gourmet potluck lunch at the last remaining picnic table, and had green chile cheeseburgers for dinner at the Buckhorn after sunset, including a chat with Bobby Olguin, proprietor. We were back a little more than 12 hours after we started. Here are some pictures. (See all 47.)

gourmet potluck al fresco 
The group: mjh, Kathleen, Melissa, Lew, Merri, and Dave, our ornithologist.

sandhill cranes
Sandhill cranes are usually more abundant than on this trip.

snow geese (Ross' geese included)
This was quite a gaggle.

Sunset is always worth waiting for.

47 photos

Photos of my Mom

My Mom didn’t like having her picture taken and she lived long before the digital age (though she did advise me to get into computers, which I rejected as soulless). I’ve uploaded 27 scans of Mom, at least a few of which haven’t been seen in many years.

Ernestine Hinton, my M

Photos of Ernestine Hinton