– White House pressed on ‘mission accomplished’ sign – Oct. 29, 2003
Attention turned Tuesday to a giant ”Mission Accomplished” sign that stood behind Bush aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln when he gave the speech May 1.
The president told reporters the sign was put up by the Navy, not the White House. …
Navy and administration sources said that though the banner was the Navy’s idea, the White House actually made it.
Remember the campaign commercial taxpayers paid for? Now, the Commander and Chief says the buck stopped at the Pentagon. Sure. mjh
mjh’s Weblog Entry – 05/23/2003: Keepers of Bush’s image
George W. Bush’s ”Top Gun” landing on the deck of the carrier Abraham Lincoln will be remembered as one of the most audacious moments of presidential theater in American history. But it was only the latest example of how the Bush administration, going far beyond the foundations in stagecraft set by the Reagan White House, is using the powers of television and technology to promote a presidency like never before. …
Keepers of Bush image lift stagecraft to new heights by Elisabeth Bumiller, New York Times, Friday, May 16, 2003