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Defeat Bush

Class-Action Legislation Fails in Senate

Senate Democrats effectively killed a measure on Wednesday that would push certain class-action lawsuits out of state courts and into the federal judiciary, handing President Bush and the Republican leadership a significant defeat. … President Bush has made changes in tort law a big feature of his agenda in Congress, and it is a staple of his speeches.

Bush and his supporters are usually anti-Federal, pro-States’-rights. Or is that just another deception? mjh

Another Constitutional Crisis brought on by the Radical, Intrusive Right

In Florida Right-to-Die Case, Legislation Puts the Constitution at Issue

In enacting a tightly focused, one-time-only law that effectively reversed a series of court decisions allowing a Florida man to withdraw life support from his brain-damaged wife, the Florida Legislature has created a constitutional crisis, legal scholars said yesterday.

”Courts get to decide particular cases, not legislatures,” said Steven G. Gey, a law professor at Florida State University. …
Continue reading Another Constitutional Crisis brought on by the Radical, Intrusive Right

Scorning the Courts in Florida

Scorning the Courts in Florida

Drawing the line between life and death is one of society’s most challenging tasks. Florida’s courts discharged that duty admirably when they ruled that Terri Schiavo, who has been in a vegetative state for 13 years, should be allowed to die. But the State Legislature and Gov. Jeb Bush have mocked the courts’ careful deliberations and embarked on a ghoulish medical journey by directing that her feeding resume. The courts should reaffirm Ms. Schiavo’s right to die in peace. …

The Florida courts approached the matter with the gravity it deserves. … The Florida Legislature, prodded by the religious right, hastily passed a law authorizing the governor to order the feeding of patients in a vegetative state who lacked living wills. … The new law infringes the right to die that the Supreme Court recognized in 1990.

George Bush is part of the religious right; Jeb Bush is jumping to their call. You want four more years of that? mjh

Georgia runs from the MATRIX

Georgia runs from the MATRIX

The state of Georgia has pulled out of the U.S. Department of Justice sponsored MATRIX (Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange) information collection program, leaving data only on its felons and sexual offenders behind in the Orwellian database.

”The criminal, prison, and sexual predator information previously submitted will remain part of the database. This information is relevant to the crime fighting purpose of the pilot project, but personal information of law-abiding citizens is not. I feel today’s decision reflects a proper balance between fighting crime and respecting the right to privacy,” said Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue.

mjh’s Weblog Entry – 09/24/2003: MATRIX (Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange)

Meddling in Medicine, part 2

Senate Approves Bill to Prohibit Type of Abortion

[I]n the Senate, advocates of the right to abortion, led by Ms. Boxer, insisted on one more day of debate before final passage. They characterized the bill as an assault on the right to privacy established by the Roe case, and an intrusion into the ability of doctors and patients to make their own medical choices. [Just like the Florida case. See the pattern emerging? — mjh]

”This bill puts doctors in the untenable position of choosing the best and most appropriate care for their patients or risk going to jail,” said Vicki Saporta, the abortion federation’s president. …

But proponents of the ban say the legal climate may change, particularly if Mr. Bush wins re-election. They are hopeful that, by the time the case reaches the Supreme Court, Mr. Bush will have had an opportunity to appoint new justices, and the slim 5-to-4 majority that rejected the Nebraska law will no longer hold together.

”It would only require the change in one mind, or the change in one justice, so that those on the other side who make confident predictions aren’t as confident,” said Douglas Johnson, a spokesman for the National Right to Life Committee, which has spent years fighting for the ban.

Of the Nebraska case, Mr. Johnson said, ”Congress is now inviting the Supreme Court to re-examine that extreme and inhumane decision.” [That is, Roe v. Wade and the right to an abortion under any circumstances. — mjh]