Picture This

I was walking in a dreamlike version of our neighborhood. We looked over a low wall into a classic southwestern yard – gravel, brush, weeds – and saw two roadrunners. Then, I noticed two smaller, younger roadrunners, though too big to call chicks. I asked Mer, “Did you see the babies?” I looked again and, now, the two smaller birds were on the back of yet another, medium sized juvenal roadrunner (fifth bird not previously seen). The two smaller birds were stacked 1-2-3 on the back of the third bird (er, fifth bird). All five birds were moving constantly around the yard. As our group moved on down the street, Dr Dave Mehlman, ornithologist, asked me, “Did you get a picture?” From down the block, Mer responded, “I have a camera!” “You have my camera,” I said. She handed it over and I moved quickly back to the roardunner yard. I turned the camera on without first removing the lens cap, which caused the cap to pop off on its own. I looked down at the unnaturally large camera to see a setting I’ve never seen before, like 2 battery terminals lit up. The camera made strange noises and the moment it clicked, I tossed it, sure it was going to blow up in my hands. Instead, the camera bounced slightly as it hit the ground. When I picked the camera up, the arms connecting the absurdly large LCD screen to the camera (on top, instead of at the back) were bent. I straightened the connection out as best I could and returned to the yard.

As I framed a shot of the five roadrunners, they were about to dash around a corner and out of sight. Suddenly, Mer rushed forward with several people. “I brought more people to see,” she said.

At the this point, the roadrunners were gone, replaced by five small mountain lions. One of the three young was aggressively pouncing on the other, smaller cats. I said, “We’ve got to get away. If those lions come over the wall, we’re in trouble.” I was running up some stairs, looking for the best place to hide when I woke up.

Number 1 on My List of the Worst Top Ten Lists of the Best Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies of the Past Decade

OMG. Just a month ago, I contemplated using time travel to go back to stop myself from watching Primer. Now, Primer has made someone’s Top Ten list. Mind you, I think Primer deserves an A- in Film School. It wasn’t awful, it just really fizzled out and I can’t recommend it.

Had I known this Top Ten List would include The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I might have been better prepared for shock and disappointment. TESOTSM is just gawd-awful. I would watch Primer every day if I thought that would erase my memory of TESOTSM.

Unfortunately, I didn’t know what was on this “list” because the Web site doesn’t actually list these movies. That there is no list with links to these 10 items is an anti-Web, slimy way of forcing people to slog through pages. It says Techland’s advertisers matter more than its readers. So, here’s the list:

10. 28 Days Later
9. Minority Report
8. Star Trek
6. Children of Men (very violent; Michael Caine is wonderful, but his end is not)
5. Primer
4. The Fountain
3. Solaris
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
1. A.I.

With AI topping this list, we know Steven James Snyder has an amazing tolerance for ponderous story-telling. That’s a vital quality for a film reviewer. I’m assuming he’ll love Avatar, leaving me quite doubtful about it.

FWIW – not much – of these selections, I rank WALL-E #1 and Minority Report #2 (that one grew on me with repetition – it thoroughly documents a Gibson-esque dystopia – up there with Blade Runner).

Homicide rates linked to trust in government, sense of belonging, study suggests

Homicide rates linked to trust in government, sense of belonging, study suggests 

In his analysis, Roth found four factors that relate to the homicide rate in parts of the United States and western Europe throughout the past four centuries: the belief that one’s government is stable and its justice and legal systems are unbiased and effective; a feeling of trust in government officials and a belief in their legitimacy; a sense of patriotism and solidarity with fellow citizens; and a belief that one’s position is society is satisfactory and that one can command respect without resorting to violence.

When those feelings and beliefs are strong, homicide rates are generally low, regardless of the time or place, Roth said. But when people are unsure about their government leaders, don’t feel connected to the rest of society, and feel they don’t have opportunity to command respect in the community, homicide rates go up.

This theory helps explain why the United States generally has had one of the highest murder rates since the mid-nineteenth century of any advanced Western democracy, Roth said.

"As Americans, so many of us hate or distrust our government. You can see it today in the anti-government rallies in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere. It’s been part of our culture since the very beginning, but especially since the Civil War, and it is one reason why we have such a high homicide rate," he said.

Homicide rates linked to trust in government, sense of belonging, study suggests

Cal Thomas is an Idiot

Cal Thomas 

This is about liberal Democrats realizing their decades-old dream of complete control of our lives. Every move you make, every breath you take, they’ll be watching you. Except, of course, when it comes to terrorists who want to destroy America faster than the liberals do.

Cal Thomas

Apparently, Cal has forgotten that it was the conservative Republicans that compelled sheep-like citizens to take off their shoes for the good of the Fatherland, er, Homeland. That an incensed flock of conservative chicken hawks waged war all over the globe. That conservative Republicans rammed the horribly named PATRIOT act down our throats while pushing those who objected into “Free Speech Zones,” cages located off the beaten path. That self-professed freedom-loving conservatives created CIA prisons and tortured anyone — anyone! — they chose to without taking any “personal responsibility” for their own crimes.

Cal has every right to be an idiot and to make his idiocy well-known. Sadly, each column he writes now is a loaded rifle tossed into the hands of an even bigger idiot who sees himself as saving the nation from blacks, browns, women, gays, hippies, the young, Democrats, whatever. To these dangerous fools, the nation is only what they accept and nothing more and they will kill to have their way. Thomas, Krauthammer, Beck – is Lush Limbaugh still around? — Palin, ad nauseum, are the rabble rousers. Blood will be on their hands.

From the Desk of an Old Fart

I sure hope Utah Senator Buttars wasn’t watching the American Music Awards on Sunday. We would have heard about his aneurism by now.

It’s sad that Adam wants to be a male Lady Gag-gag, particularly since she seems like nothing so much as a drag queen’s spoof of disco-porn. No doubt, someday the pendulum will swing away from public eroticism back to romance. When you’re young and at the front of the stage on top of the world, it’s easy to find someone to suck anything; it’s much harder to find people who really care about you. Turns out, Adam blew it.

It’s Time: US Out of Afghanistan

I’ve quoted Quigley before. He’s an insightful writer.

ABQJOURNAL UPFRONT: In Afghanistan, the Question Is Everything 

By Winthrop Quigley
Journal Staff Writer
      As President Obama weighs his options in Afghanistan, the disquiet that Afghanistan will become another Vietnam grows.
    If the United States is to avoid another Vietnam in Afghanistan, the Obama administration needs to understand the short-term failure in Southeast Asia (short-term because Vietnam became a trading partner and regional ally of the United States) was a result of our complete lack of understanding about Vietnamese culture and society. American policymakers, products of a Western, rationalist, future-oriented culture, kept pushing buttons and pulling levers that connected to nothing in Vietnam’s Confucian, animist, ancestor-focused culture. The Americans could never find the buttons and levers that did connect to something.
    Afghanistan’s culture and society could not be less like our own.
Until Barack Obama is certain he knows what buttons and levers connect to something in Afghanistan’s tribal, multilingual, Islamic culture (and there is not a lot of evidence that he does), additional troops won’t accomplish anything useful there.

ABQJOURNAL UPFRONT: In Afghanistan, the Question Is Everything

Perhaps Conservatism Really is a Mental Illness – Let’s Include Coverage Under a Public Option [updated 11/20/09]

From week to week, you never know which conservative is going to say the most outlandish or stupid thing – even as their numbers dwindle, the competition seems to expand. But, we have quite a WTF?! with Virginia Foxx.

Think Progress » Foxx: Republicans ‘Passed Civil Rights Bills Back In The 60s Without Very Much Help’ From Democrats

During a debate on the House floor today over designating 21 miles of the Molalla River as “wild and scenic,” Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), who opposes the legislation, tried to claim a progressive environmental record for her party. “Actually, the GOP has been the leader in starting good environmental programs in this country,” said Foxx.

Foxx then extended her claims of the GOP’s progressive history to the issue of civil rights. “Just as we were the people who passed the civil rights bills back in the ’60s without very much help from our colleagues across the aisle,” said Fox. “They love to engage in revisionist history.”

Think Progress » Foxx: Republicans ‘Passed Civil Rights Bills Back In The 60s Without Very Much Help’ From Democrats

It is especially important to remember that the major opposition to civil rights came from southern Democrats  – the same people who now constitute the hard core of the Republican Party.

[updated 11/20/09]

Think Progress » New Missouri billboard tells Americans to ‘prepare for war’ against the government. 

Missouri GOP Billboard

This billboard replaces one that warned that the socialist “Obama-Nation” is “coming for you.” It’s unclear who the owner of the billboard is, but the first one was the work of a “Missouri businessman.” (HT: Oliver Willis)

Think Progress » New Missouri billboard tells Americans to ‘prepare for war’ against the government.

Think Progress » New Birther Billboard In Colorado Features Picture Of Obama And Asks ‘President Or Jihad?’ 

Today, a new birther billboard went up above Wolf Automotive off I-70 in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The sign has a picture of President Obama wearing a turban, asking, “President or Jihad?” and exhorting, “Wake up America! Remember Fort Hood”:

Obama Billboard

ThinkProgress spoke with Phil Wolf, the owner of the car dealership. He said that the billboard is his personal project because he believes the American people have a right to know the facts about the president …

Think Progress » New Birther Billboard In Colorado Features Picture Of Obama And Asks ‘President Or Jihad?’