Hiroshima, Nagasaki — Next?

I watched the news as tourists flocked to Trinity Site for the 60th aniversary of the first atomic bomb explosion. No one mentioned Hiroshima or Nagasaki or where we’ll be using the first nuclear bunker busters. mjh

Atomic Memories
Remembering Nagasaki

mjh’s Blog: Hell on Earth

Now the sun has disappeared
All is darkness, anger, pain and fear
Twisted, sightless wrecks of men
Go groping on their knees and cry in pain

And the sun has disappeared

(Simon & Garfunkel)

Remembering Nagasaki

The appearance of the city differed from other bomb sites: here, the explosion and the fires had reduced the entire city (about four square kilometers) to ashes in a single instant. Relief squads, medical and fire-fighting teams, could do nothing but wait. Only the luck of being in a well-placed air raid shelter could be of any use for survival.

Even if the medical and fire-fighting teams from the surrounding areas had been able to rush to the scene, the roads were completely blocked with rubble and charred timber. One had not the faintest idea where the water main might be located, so it would have been impossible to fight the fires. Telephone and telegraph services were suspended; the teams could not contact the outside world for help. It was truly a hell on earth. Those who had just barely survived the intense radiation-their eyes burned and their exposed skin scalded-wandered around aimlessly with only sticks to lean on, waiting for relief. Not a single cloud blocked the direct rays of the August sunlight, which shone down mercilessly on Nagasaki, on that second day after the blast.

American Terrorists

The Daily Inter Lake

The documentary “The Fire Next Time,” a chronicle of two years of conflict in the Flathead Valley, will be seen by audiences nationwide July 12 and 17. …

Patrice O’Neill said her initial interest in the Flathead Valley was piqued by the Project 7 revelations, when the arrest of Project 7 leader David Burgert in February 2002 led to the exposure of an alleged plot to kill local government leaders.

Over the two-year course of the filming, the filmmakers were drawn to KGEZ radio owner and “The Edge” talk-show host John Stokes, who said at one point in the film that environmentalists were “destroying America.”

I saw this documentary. Talk Radio “host” John Stokes is a vile human being. He spews hate; he foments hate; his is the face of hate. At one point, he says he supports a recall of local government officials only because “we don’t allow assassination in this country.” The look on his face, his tone, said clearly that he disdains that fact — that the country would clearly be a better place if he could just kill the problem-makers. Horrifying.

It is very important to recognize that this guy and his followers call themselves “conservatives” and “patriots” and all of their many enemies “liberals”. I’m not saying he represents conservatives. I’m just looking for conservatives to repudiate the evil in their midst with half the condemnation they direct at liberals. Guys like this will happily split this country into warring factions. What are you going to do about it? mjh

P.O.V. – The Fire Next Time | PBS

With beautiful Flathead Lake at its center and Glacier National Park 30 miles to the north, the valley’s 80,000 residents host over two million visitors a year…. [It is also a] flashpoint in the country’s running battle between the forces of economic development, environmental activism, and anti-government extremism. …

A radio talk show host regularly called for the “eradication” of “green slime” while broadcasting the addresses of local environmental activists. …

[A] shadowy terror group called Project 7 was discovered with a cache of arms and a hit list of local government officials, police officers and their families. …

Everyone agrees things took a sharp turn when failed political aspirant John Stokes came to town, bought local radio station KGEZ, and began hosting a daily talk show that was, for some, a breath of fresh air ? and for others, a hateful and threatening voice. It’s the unapologetic Stokes who sponsors burnings of green swastikas, and who blandly disavows any hateful intent while broadcasting the home addresses of environmentalists, calling them “the enemy.” …

“We knew going in that what was disturbing the Flathead Valley involved some of the most critical issues facing the country today,” says director/producer Patrice O’Neill. “What we also discovered was a striking example of modern talk radio polarizing the political atmosphere, and just how high the stakes are ? for our whole political system when conflicts like this erupt in growing communities.”

Reasonable Environmentalism

ABQjournal: Future Water Is More Valuable Than Gas Royalties By Stephen Capra, Executive Director, N.M. Wilderness Alliance

Oceans of water, enough to last hundreds of years are stored in this huge aquifer…. The economics of protecting a water resource that can sustain several communities and towns for a hundred or more years far outweighs the short term gain from gas royalties.

Think back to the first time you heard about Otero Mesa in southern New Mexico. What descriptions do you remember hearing? I recall “remote, stark beauty.” What exactly is the dollar value of “remote, stark beauty”? We better figure that out quickly, because you can’t save anything you can’t put a dollar value on.

In those early discussions of the inevitable damage drilling will undeniably cause (count roads in that), one of the last things mentioned was water. Even then, I thought, uh oh.

Now water is the only argument left because we can’t assign a dollar value to leaving “remote, stark beauty” untouched, and I am certain we will regret that.

Today, Stephen Capra, perhaps a reasonable environmentalist, hands developers the perfect argument for a new Rio Rancho in the middle of nowhere. He even uses the exact words developers used about Albuquerque: that aquifer will sustain unbridled growth “for a hundred years or more.” We heard that nonsense constantly for decades right up until the moment it was proven categorically false. D’oh.

If I were a greedy profiteer looking to make money off of Otero, I’d say, OK, so we won’t drill — let’s build thousands of houses! After all, there is an endless supply of water there and people will love to have homes in all that “remote, stark beauty.” That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? mjh

PS: Capra is President of the Wilderness Alliance, of which that not-so-dangerous radical, Dave Foreman, is a member. I look forward to Jim Scarantino’s reaction (see yesterday’s entry). Full Disclosure Fetishists will be aroused to learn I’ve contributed to WA. I’m really not a member of anything, and I don’t throw money around. However, I do appreciate the hard work of reasonable people who try to protect land from exploitation and ruin. Sadly, money is all that matters to capitalist zombies, for whom “remote, stark beauty” is a marketing phrase.

Coalition for Otero Mesa

No Forest Here, Just a Bunch of Trees

We interrupt this discussion of Karl Rove’s email to bring you an important reminder: there were no WMDs and the world is considerably more violent than it was two years ago. Now, back to what did Rove
know and when did he know it. mjh

Google Search: Karl-Rove

FOXNews.com – Politics – Can Bush Survive Without Rove?

President Bush said last year that if someone in his administration leaked the name of a CIA agent, that person would no longer be in his administration.

I’m really surprised at this common misquoting of Bush. More often, it is said that Bush said he would fire the culprit. Not so. I’ve seen the tape many times and Bush literally says such a person would be “taken care of.” How is that clearly “fired”? It could just as easily mean promoted or executed. Why do we all accept this constant interpreting of Bush as a non-native speaker (here’s what he meant, not what he said)? mjh

Rove e-mailed adviser about talk with reporter BY JOHN SOLOMON

“When he finished his brief heads-up he immediately launched into Niger. Isn’t this damaging? Hasn’t the president been hurt? I didn’t take the bait, but I said if I were him I wouldn’t get Time far out in front on this.’‘ …

He later told a grand jury the e-mail was consistent with his recollection that his intention in talking with Cooper that Friday in July 2003 wasn’t to divulge Plame’s identity but to caution Cooper against certain allegations Plame’s husband was making, according to legal professionals familiar with Rove’s testimony.

Rove sent the e-mail shortly before leaving the White House early for a family vacation that weekend, already aware that another journalist he had talked with, Chicago Sun-Times syndicated columnist Robert Novak, was planning a column about Plame and Wilson. …

The AP reported Thursday that Rove acknowledged to the grand jury that he talked about Plame with Cooper and Novak before they published their stories but that he originally learned about the operative’s identity from the news media, not government sources.

Republicans cheered the latest revelations Friday, saying they showed Rove wasn’t trying to hurt Plame but instead was trying to informally warn reporters to be cautious about some of Wilson’s claims. Democrats, however, said that even if Rove wasn’t the leaker, someone still divulged Plame’s identity.


My reading of the text above is that Rove wanted to delay Cooper so Novak, a friend of the administration, would get the scoop. Or, that Rove was trying to discourage a reporter from Wilson’s claims (ie, let’s keep this quiet). mjh

Tennessee Independent Media Center: feature/6261
Karl Rove’s Defense is No Defense
by H.C. Kennedy

Novak’s initial column identified Plame as “an Agency operative on weapons of mass destruction.” He has since claimed that he believed Plame was merely an analyst at the CIA, not a covert operative — the difference being that analysts are not undercover, so identifying them is not a crime. Critics contend that after decades as a Washington reporter Novak was well aware of the difference and would be unlikely to make such a mistake. Indeed, a search of the Nexis database for the terms ‘CIA operative’ and ‘agency operative’ shows Novak correctly used them to describe covert CIA employees every single time they appear in his articles. Including the Plame article.

Unconfirmed Sources

After all, Mr. Rove was not trying to destabilize the United States; at least not more than he’s already done. He was only engaging in petty revenge against his political enemies. That’s not a crime, that’s just your run of the mill Republican politics. Ms. Plame’s outing was more of a governmental friendly fire thing than out and out criminality.

The Price of Playing God

Health News Article | Reuters.com
Asthma gene variants may cut risk of brain cancer

New research suggests that gene variants, which are known to raise the risk of asthma, decrease the risk of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a common type of brain cancer that is rapidly fatal.

We should all be very aware that we know little about subtlety and synergy in genetics. We are already dabbling in “gene therapy” and genetic modifications. What happens when we take something terrible out and that thing was actually a component of something wonderful? Worse, imagine we also take out the ability to perceive the change. Oh, it’s so wonderful that everyone is tall and beautiful and lives forever thanks to our glorious god-king! mjh

PS: Damn it, Mark, it’s hyperbole like that that makes everyone ignore the rantings of environmentalists! Can’t you just say it is cheaper to have asthma than brain cancer? That’s the kind of reasonable argument that wins public support.

So, How Credible is a Green Republican?

Go read Jim Scarantino’s column on the decline of environmentalists in public opinion (Enviros’ sinking credibility starts at home); I’ll wait. Done? OK.

I appreciate Jim’s thoughtful concern over this supposed decline and its implications to the future well-being of the environment. And I celebrate Jim’s rarity as a Green Republican (about as welcome as a Log Cabin Republican to the True Believers).

For local color, Jim points out that former founders of the Weather Underground and Earth First! live in Albuquerque. He neglects to mention one has long been a teacher who changes the world through sweat instead of bombs. The other in involved in numerous organizations that no one sensible would call radical. Hey, Jim, don’t you know any young radicals? Well, who does.

As long as we’re looking at New Mexico as microcosm, perhaps Jim can explain how ranchers, a small and declining group, can thwart wolf reintroduction when a very large part of the public favors it. And, how is it that this group is so powerful in the Gila and powerless in the Four Corners, where they oppose the environmental degradation caused by drilling?

Nobody does hyperbole like Jim. He sounds like a mainstream conservative when he slickly moves from the “hype” over arsenic to the implication that “enviros” are just as wrong about mercury (and 10,000 other pollutants) and massive species die-off. No, he assures us, “we’re doing fine.” Worse, those incompetent enviros who cry wolf have no one but themselves to blame if the public doesn’t listen if the enviros ever get it right. (Jim would be thrown out of any truly conservative group by allowing that enviros might be right about something.)

While some damage has been done to the Environmental Movement by Earth First or the Earth Liberation Front — or even PETA — it pales in comparison to that other force that Jim doesn’t give it’s full due: the Radical Wrong. It has been 35 years since the first Earth Day, but it has been more than 40 years since Big Tobacco began denying a connection between smoking and cancer and industry sang the praises of DDT (your death is their profit). It has also been more than 20 years since Ronnie Raygun blamed smog on trees and James Watt said Christians didn’t need to worry about the environment because god gave it to them to use as they see fit. These aren’t just fringe wackos — these are pillars of their community. And their message hasn’t gotten a whit friendlier to the environment or your health and well-being. Welcome back, DDT. Hello, nuclear bunker busters!

Even today, hordes of writers, deluded or paid, crank out messages about the uncertainty of “global climate change” (instead of Human-caused Global Warming) and science in general. The destroyers ridicule “little creatures we’ve never heard of” and the tree-huggers who care. Along the way, the Radical Wrong has pissed in every well they can to convince us that everything is a matter of opinion, all of equal standing (except when it comes to the Constitution and Bible being immutable truth subject to no interpretation ever). Who profits when people are uncertain, confused and deceived? Not the environmentalists nor the environment itself, that’s clear.

Ultimately, even 50 million environmentalists can’t stop the selfish profiteers or alter that sense of entitlement — of Manifest Destiny — that is the real threat to the earth. It’s my land and I can do anything I want with it. Now git. mjh

Novak’s TWO Sources?

Something isn’t quite connecting for me in the matter of Karl Rove’s involvement in the outing of a CIA agent. That’s in spite of my belief that I have paid very close attention to the matter from the earliest days.

I need to walk through a few things to come to grips with this:

There are 3 reporters involved. Robert Novak published an article that made Plame’s identity public; he wrote that TWO administration insiders had confirmed this.

Matt Cooper and Judith Miller also knew about Plame from someone in the administration. (Miller was a big fan of the WMD lie.) How do we know that Cooper and Miller knew anything — did they publish that fact or is this a leak from the special investigation / grand jury?

Cooper says his source released him to talk but, I believe, has not publicly said that source is Rove. Miller is in jail — we do not know who her source is.

Novak is not in jail, so we assume he has cooperated. Who are the TWO sources?

I believe Rove’s lawyer says that Rove learned about Plame from Novak (leaving TWO other sources for Novak) and mentioned “Mrs. Wilson” to Cooper. Some sources say this was to indicate that Wilson was lying when he said Cheney sent him to Africa. How does one disprove the other?

I want to know who Novak’s other one (or two or more) sources were — and how the source knew. Do all 3 reporters have exactly the same source(s)?

I don’t want Rove to become a martyr so that someone else gets off free. I want to know why Novak isn’t in jail and why he still has a job as a reporter. mjh