Fox ‘News’ “is the chief global distributor of unfact and untruth” — amen

Europe stands up to the bullies. Read the whole column. Interesting that I heard nothing of this on the “news”.

Fox retraction tells us a lot | Albuquerque Journal News By Leonard Pitts / Syndicated Columnist PUBLISHED: Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 12:05 am

Fox is, after all, the network of death panels, terrorist fist jabs, birtherism, anchor babies, victory mosques, wars on Christmas and Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi. It’s not just that it is the chief global distributor of unfact and untruth but that it distributes unfact and untruth with a bluster, an arrogance, a gonad-grabbing swagger, that implicitly and intentionally dares you to believe fact and truth matter.

Many of us have gotten used to this. We don’t even bother to protest Fox being Fox. Might as well protest a sewer for stinking.

But the French and the British, being French and British, see it differently. And that’s what produced the scenario that recently floored many of us.

Fox retraction tells us a lot | Albuquerque Journal News

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