Paleocons for Palin

 Richard Viguerie’s Conservative HQ | show

Richard Viguerie: Sarah Palin is the perfect choice

August 29, 2008

Viguerie: She’s perfect
VP pick “gives McCain the opportunity to unite the GOP,
gives conservatives a stake in the election, and puts a real reformer on the ticket”

Minneapolis – The selection of Gov. Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running-mate unites the Republican Party and energizes its conservative base, Richard A. Viguerie said today.  “McCain has chosen to balance his ticket with a principled conservative.

“Governor Palin’s life story is one of sticking to principle.  She is living proof that a person can take on the corrupt political establishment – including corrupt leaders in her own party – and achieve great things.” 

Viguerie added: “There’s an old expression in politics: Go along to get along.  Not this time.  The selection of Sarah Palin is one big kick-in-the-pants to the corrupt establishment in both parties.

“Congratulations to John McCain for hearing and responding to conservatives.  Conservatives, the base of the party, have been listless.  But, now, nearly all will work enthusiastically for the McCain-Palin ticket.  In fact, this is the most enthusiastic conservatives have been since the era for Ronald Reagan.”

He added: “This is a grand-slam home run.  Conservatives’ feet haven’t touched the ground since this announcement.”

Richard Viguerie’s Conservative HQ | show

Sarah Palin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

In May 2008, Palin objected to the decision of Dirk Kempthorne, the Republican United States Secretary of the Interior, to list polar bears as an endangered species. She threatened a lawsuit to stop the listing amid fears that it would hurt oil and gas development in the bears’ habitat off Alaska’s northern and northwestern coasts. She also called unreliable the climate-change models cited by Kempthorne and environmentalists that predict melting of Arctic ice and has asserted that her administration believes listing them as an endangered species is premature and not the appropriate management tool for their welfare at this time..[36]

Sarah Palin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[hattip to walkingraven]

PS: Wikipedia reports Palin is “a prominent member of Feminists for Life.” Feminists?! That must go over great with Lush Limbaugh, who coined the term “feminazis.” Goes to show Republicans and drowning men will clutch at anything on their way down.

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