Today I Am Two

Sometimes I feel like I’ve been blogging my whole life. I have been writing letters to the editor, letters to friends, and in journals for much of my life. But I began my part of the blogosphere two years ago today (mjh’s Weblog Entry – 11/24/2002: “hello, world!”). Now, I have 4 blogs, host 3 others, and read 8 more every day. From little acorns mighty addictions grow.

I’ve been tweaking the layout and functioning of this blog, including the categories and the menus down the side. …

old mjh’s Weblog Archives
new mjh’s Blog Archives

Blogs I read

Most bloggers also read other blogs. I read these every day:

My Greatest Blogging Pleasure

I really do like to write and to think about how to express something. Sometimes I can barely control my glee. I probably don’t write something I find pleasurable every day, but writing every day increases the odds.

My Biggest Blog Disappointment

I don’t really know who reads this, who likes it, or who returns. I blame part of this on the damn blog-spammers who made it necessary to kill the comments function. You’re still welcome to write and tell me what you think.

And so this is mostly a shot in the dark. Or, as Gertrude Stein put is: “I am writing for myself and strangers. This is the only way that I can do it….”

Thanks for visiting. I hope to see you again.

peace, mjh

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