Our favorite spot for camping and birding is in central Texas in a state park in Hill Country. It is South Llano River State Park, south of Junction, Texas, on I-10. Get barbeque at Lum’s.
The campground is perfect. There are numerous trails out of the campground. We’ve been going for years and haven’t hiked them all.
Many years ago, there were no blackhawks in the Albuquerque bosque. However, now there are a few, including nesting pairs. They are big bold birds with quite a call, heard in this video.
This was quite a surprise. What a cutie. Why was it on the suet feeder? Mer thought it saw the camera as eyes — mama? A friend sees it as a messenger from a dead friend.
The following quote is from Birdnote. I am SICK of datalust, sick of the belief that our curiosity supersedes the rights of other creatures to live unmolested. Damn these scientists. Let someone tackle them and strap a proportionate device to their heads because that would be “fascinating.”
“Tiny devices attached to the heads of frigatebirds revealed fascinating information”
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." — Sam Adams