Democrats on the Economy – Politics – Democratic Candidates Develop Economic Platforms

On the president’s tax cut policies, the Democratic presidential hopefuls can be divided into two camps — those who would roll back Bush’s entire tax cut package — as would Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean — and those who would retain tax cuts for the middle class but repeal cuts scheduled for wealthier Americans. Included in the latter group are retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark and Sens. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn.; John Kerry, D-Mass.; and John Edwards, D-N.C. …

Trade, however, continues to be a divisive issue among Democrats.

Dean and Gephardt have pushed for strict new environmental- and labor-standard conditions to be included in trade agreements. Following in the Clinton-Gore tradition, Kerry and Lieberman have aggressively defended free trade. …

All the candidates have called Bush fiscally irresponsible, and Dean, Edwards, Kerry, and Lieberman have emphasized as a top priority reducing the federal deficit, estimated at $374 billion in fiscal year 2003.

[article includes good links to candidates]

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Get to know Wesley Clark – Wesley Clark’s fledgling campaign hits its stride

In week one, he gave conflicting statements on how he would have voted last October on the resolution authorizing force against Iraq. In week two, Democrats learned that he was still a registered lobbyist but not yet a registered Democrat. In week three, he tried out his third traveling press aide, his campaign manager quit and the Washington Post wondered whether he was violating federal election law by giving paid speeches. …

Clark sometimes confronts questions about whether he is “a Republican in disguise.” But his anti-Bush rhetoric is as sharp as any Democrat since birth. Bush will need “brothers in the 49 other states” to win in 2004, he says to cheers every time. And “if conservatives were compassionate, they wouldn’t have to put the adjective in front of it.”

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"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." — Sam Adams