New pix uploaded to my flickr site.
See also my flickr contacts.
Photos by mark justice hinton.
This may be the best snow storm in Albuquerque in the 20 years I have lived here. Certainly the best in more than 10 years. mjh
Flickr: mjhinton’s photos tagged with desertsnow (a subset of Flickr: Photos from mjhinton)
Around the local blogosphere:
General Quirk ‘Round Town: Snow Day in ABQ
Flickr: dangerousmeta’s photos tagged with snow
More in comments….
Took a hike with friends near Ojito, probably a bit east of the proposed Wilderness. Amazing terrain. Follow the link to a few pictures. mjh
I took a daytrip to El Malpais National Monument and Conservation Area, south of Grants, New Mexico. Here are some of the photos.
Flickr: Photos tagged with malpais
El Malpais National Monument Information
I’m playing with a different online photo service. This one was harder to work with than, but they give you an elaborate editor. Uploading didn’t work nearly as slickly as mjh
As a part of celebrating my soul, I’ve added some more photos as postcards. mjh
Here are two other sites with free online postcards: