Category Archives: NADA – New American Dark Ages

New American Dark Ages

2 in House Question Halliburton’s Iraq Fuel Prices

2 in House Question Halliburton’s Iraq Fuel Prices

Two senior Democratic congressmen are questioning whether Halliburton is overcharging the United States government in the procurement of gasoline and other fuel for Iraq, which is now importing oil products to stave off shortages.

”Halliburton seems to be inflating gasoline prices at a great cost to American taxpayers. The overcharging by Halliburton is so extreme that one expert has privately called it ‘highway robbery,’ ” the letter said.

Halliburton has charged the government $1.62 to $1.70 a gallon for gasoline that could be bought wholesale in the Persian Gulf region for about 71 cents and transported to Iraq for no more than 25 cents. The fuel was sold in Iraq for 4 cents to 15 cents a gallon….

Iraq, which has the third-largest oil reserves in the world, is producing at roughly half its prewar level of about 2.5 million barrels a day.

Remember, Halliburton is IMPORTING oil into Iraq.

“Highway robbery” or “war profiteering”? Halliburton (Dick Cheney’s company) is making a fortune in restoring Iraq’s oil production; in the meantime, they’re making another fortune selling IMPORTED oil at a loss to Iraqis. Sweet deal. mjh

24% Unsure

President Bush’s approval rating up in latest poll

The CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll found that the president’s approval rating stands at 56 percent. In mid-September, Bush’s approval rating was at 50 percent in a similar poll.

A Gallup official says finding a particular reason for the boost is difficult, suggesting it could be due to signs of an improved economy, or to the coverage of the California recall crowding out some of the criticism of the president.

Meanwhile, the poll suggested that the 2004 election race is still close. Thirty-eight percent of those surveyed said they’d vote for Bush, 38 percent said they’d vote against him, and 24 percent said they were unsure.

Lieberman slaps Bush

Lieberman takes slap at Bush’s promises, tax policy

George Bush and his administration have taken our country far off track. Even worse, they lack the honor and integrity to acknowledge their mistakes, to change direction and to give our country the fresh start it deserves.”

”My friends, you can’t fool all of the people all of the time,” Lieberman said. ”The people are tuning in. And they are catching on to the consequences of the Bush administration’s lack of integrity.”

In an interview aboard his campaign bus, Lieberman allowed that Bush is viewed as ”a good guy. What I’m saying here is he’s been a bad president.

Democrats on the Economy – Politics – Democratic Candidates Develop Economic Platforms

On the president’s tax cut policies, the Democratic presidential hopefuls can be divided into two camps — those who would roll back Bush’s entire tax cut package — as would Rep. Dick Gephardt, D-Mo., and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean — and those who would retain tax cuts for the middle class but repeal cuts scheduled for wealthier Americans. Included in the latter group are retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark and Sens. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn.; John Kerry, D-Mass.; and John Edwards, D-N.C. …

Trade, however, continues to be a divisive issue among Democrats.

Dean and Gephardt have pushed for strict new environmental- and labor-standard conditions to be included in trade agreements. Following in the Clinton-Gore tradition, Kerry and Lieberman have aggressively defended free trade. …

All the candidates have called Bush fiscally irresponsible, and Dean, Edwards, Kerry, and Lieberman have emphasized as a top priority reducing the federal deficit, estimated at $374 billion in fiscal year 2003.

[article includes good links to candidates]