Bless the Simpsons!

I hope you saw last night’s Simpsons, in which Lisa Simpson advocated Springfield allow same-sex marriages. It was in part an economic argument but she added that they could be on the forefront of civil rights. Amen, Lisa!

Reverend Homer is cool with thatReverend Lovejoy barred the door of the church and insisted gay marriage was against the bible (though he was unable to cite a passage). Merri and I laughed when he said it was like serving hamburgers on hot dog buns — we had those just last week (we call them hamdogs). No one else seemed to oppose the notion. It wasn’t nearly as ugly as reality. Hey, it’s a cartoon!

Did you see the parental warning just before? Wouldn’t want your kids to think an entire town could see the decency and economic value in letting adults marry the ones they love. No, that would be wrong, wouldn’t it. I wonder how many complaints the FCC got — I’d gladly give money to pay the fine.

There is NO DOUBT WHATSOEVER that same-sex marriage will be legal in the US eventually. Frankly, I think it will be in less than 10 years as part of the mighty pendulum swing away from the fearful Right. The State has an interest in regulating marriage which in no way extends to gender. Let your Church refuse to conduct the ceremony. Don’t give a wedding gift. Fine.

peace, mjh

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