Lie, Smear, Change the Subject

mjh’s Dump Bush weBlog: Lush Limbaugh Bloviates As Usual

Lush Limbaugh to VP Cheney: Mr. Clarke, to get back to him for a moment, is saying that actually if we would just take some more time and talk to these people, understand why they hate us, we might be able to forge some kind of peace with them.

NOW with Bill Moyers. Transcript. March 26, 2004 | PBS

MICHEL MARTIN, ABC reporter: Dick Clarke is a great weight. This is not some kind of, you know, squishy liberal who you know thinks that you need to hug the terrorist and you know find out what went wrong in their childhoods.

I mean, the book on him before the Bush Administration was that [Clarke] was too aggressive in seeking a military response to terrorism. I mean here is a guy who wanted to bomb the training camps in Afghanistan. And the reason that this argument did not prevail, it was believed at the time, that there was not the political consensus to support that either domestically or internationally. But it just has to be remembered that the criticism of this man before the Bush administration was not that he was soft. But that he was too quick to react.

BILL MOYERS: One of the president’s top political strategists, Charles Black has been reported as saying, you know, this will all blow over by this weekend. Next week, the agenda will change, we’ll be talking about something else.

See how the machine works: lie, smear, move on, change the subject as quickly as you can. mjh

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