As the late Molly Ivins said of her native Texas, "… unlike Mississippi, we can afford to do better. We just don’t." [ht @edbott]

“It’s more than a fart. It’s a cry for help.” [zing] I’ve never seen the word fart used in an editorial — more than once. peace, mjh

Editorial: Pity Rick Perry; his big state has big needs – Editorials – The Sacramento Bee

Check out a state [Texas] that ranks dead last in the percent of its population with high school diplomas. Come check out a state that is last in mental health expenditures and workers’ compensation coverage. Come check out a state that ranks first in the number of executions, first in the number of uninsured, first in the amount of carbon dioxide emitted and first in the amount of toxic chemicals released into water. …

Gov. Jerry Brown, visiting a UPS distribution center Tuesday to celebrate a new fleet of all-electric vehicles, suggested that media hounds find something else to cover than the Perry ads. "It’s not a serious story, guys," the governor told reporters. "It’s not a burp. It’s barely a fart."

Actually, we think it’s more than a fart. It’s a cry for help. Perry can’t create jobs, he can only steal them from other states.

As the late Molly Ivins said of her native Texas, "It’s a low-tax, low-service state – so shoot us. The only depressing part is that, unlike Mississippi, we can afford to do better. We just don’t."

Editorial: Pity Rick Perry; his big state has big needs – Editorials – The Sacramento Bee

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