I’m not laughing with Dimdahl, I’m laughing at him

ABQjournal: Richardson Won a Battle, But CYFD’s Bolson Won War By John Dendahl

Laugh of the Month: Richardson remains obstinate. Despite environment-friendly natural gas production on super-enviro Ted Turner’s Vermejo Park Ranch next door, drilling for natural gas in the Valle Vidal is vigorously opposed by some special interests. Vowing to do all he can to prevent Valle Vidal drilling, Richardson recently told the opponents, “We are not going to stand for special-interest management of the public domain.” Say what?

Lifelong New Mexican John Dendahl is a retired executive and political leader. E-mail: jdendahl@swcp.com

Those “special interests” Dimdahl denegrates include a diverse group of tree huggers like me plus hunters and outdoors people, Gary Fonay, former president of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Association, and Northern New Mexico rancher Alan Lackey, a Republican and a founding member of the Coalition for the Valle Vidal, who has pointed out the networks of roads and well pads that have sprung up on the Vermejo Park Ranch….

It is Dimdahl who remains obstinate and misleading. mjh

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