“modern wheat is the most powerful disruptive factor in the health of modern humans than any other…”

Merri and I went wheat-free more than a year ago and see many benefits beyond weight loss. Follow the link to read a summary of Dr Davis’ anti-wheat argument. It’s not my intent to endorse the cookbook referred to in the blog entry — I think you’ll find plenty of wheat-free recipes on the Web. peace, mjh

Chef Pete Evans goes wheat-free! | Wheat Belly Blog

Modern wheat is the product of 40 years of genetics research, intensive efforts aimed at increasing yield-per-acre. The result: a genetically unique plant that stands 18-24 inches tall, a “semi-dwarf” strain, not the 4 1/2-foot tall “amber waves of grain” we all remember. Traditional wheat is long gone, a product that has not been on store shelves since around 1985. Today, virtually all products made with wheat flour, regardless of whether it is organic, sprouted, multigrain, etc., originates from this high-yield, semi-dwarf creation of genetics research.

The genetic distance modern wheat has drifted from its ancient origins exceeds the difference between chimpanzees and humans. Chimps and humans genes differ by only a few percent, sharing at least 90%—but what a difference a few percent can make! But that’s more than modern wheat is genetically removed from its ancestors.

Okay: So wheat has been changed by genetics research that altered the appearance of this plant. Is it really that important?

You bet it is. In fact, understanding the changes that wheat has undergone is probably one of the most crucial aspects of gaining control over modern health and weight, more than calorie intake, more than exercise, certainly more than fat intake. I will go so far as to say that modern wheat is the most powerful disruptive factor in the health of modern humans than any other, nutritional or otherwise. …

Chef Pete Evans goes wheat-free! | Wheat Belly Blog

A friend of ours who is a doctor read the book and found much of the science acceptable. However, he was suspicious of the implication that everything wrong with health today stems from wheat. Agreed. On the other hand, would you be surprised that through a combination of ignorance and greed, the Food Industry and the Health Industry would let you poison yourself every single day? mjh

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