Happy Bill of Rights Day!

Tweet for freedom on Dec. 15 – From Our Inbox – MiamiHerald.com

The irony is that most of us honor the Fourth of July because we believe it’s a day on which Americans secured their freedom. But the truth is that the Declaration of Independence really only secured freedom for white and wealthy men [mjh: landowners]. It took freedom of speech, press, religion, petition and assembly — the five freedoms of the First Amendment — to lead to suffrage for women, the emancipation of slaves and equality for all. Please join in celebrating freedom this Dec. 15. It’s long overdue.

Tweet for freedom on Dec. 15 – From Our Inbox – MiamiHerald.com

No modern committee, especially one full of attorneys, I’m sorry to say, could come up with such a succinct yet powerful document. Two hundred-twenty years later, we are still striving to get there, but we have the map. The Constitution is a living document subject to the times. Claiming “original intent” is the height of arrogance and ignorance.

The Bill of Rights | NewMexiKen

Originally 12 amendments were proposed to the legislatures of the 14 states by the First Congress. [read more…]

The Bill of Rights | NewMexiKen

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