Category Archives: WTF?!

We remember the Holocaust without waving Nazi flags

The society that culminated in the Confederate States of Amerika was founded on white people enslaving black people. Over hundreds of years a system grew entrenched around the fundamental right of one person to own another, lesser person. When the rest of the nation could no longer tolerate the intolerable, the CSA waged war in order to preserve the system that enslaved human beings. It comes as no surprise that a society that has murdered and cruelly tortured fellow humans for centuries would be willing to wage war.

Slave owners deserve no memorials. People whose livelihood and comforts were provided for by slaves deserve no celebration. Yes, we should remember the Old South, but as a terrible deviation from human decency.

People who defend the symbols of the CSA as history are at best misguided. The Civil War was not about states’ rights, other than the right to enslave, torture, rape, and murder an entire group of human beings.

We do not need to forget the Civil War. We do not need to blame the descendants of that monstrous society for the unforgiveable sins of their fathers. However, raising the confederate battle flag is the equivalent of tattooing Heil Hitler on your forehead. It marks you as an anti-social idiot, a right you still have.

Ban traps everywhere

What kind of person supports trapping? How can Congress consider EXPANDING this barbaric act instead of outlawing it?

Bill seeks to make trapping a legal hunt | Albuquerque Journal News By Nicole Paquette, Vice President Of Wildlife Protection / Humane Society Of The United States PUBLISHED: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 12:05 am

One of the children recounted what happened next:

“[The younger child] got a closer look at him and started screaming, ‘it’s a trap.’ And there was a snare trap that was tied around his neck that had suffocated them. My other St. Bernard, 10 feet away, we look at him and he’s caught in another trap. And so we both rush over there to try to break the wire free that was tied around his neck, but he was fighting us and was trying to fight to get loose, and the wire just got too tight; and we both, there was nothing we could do … . Later that night, we found Brooklyn, the dog who originally went missing, and we found her in a trap as well.”

Sadly Brooklyn, Jax and Barkley’s story is far from unique. Every year, trappers kill at least six million target animals and millions more non-target animals, including family pets, and threatened and endangered species. By including trapping in its definition of hunting, the Sportsmen’s Act would dramatically expand this cruel practice. Whether it’s a steel-jawed leghold trap, a Conibear trap or a cable snare, these traps are simply inhumane.

Bill seeks to make trapping a legal hunt | Albuquerque Journal News

The Game Commission must go – fire every one of them

This is the second time in a week that the Albuquerque Journal has opposed Game Commission actions. (Previously, it was the approval of mountain lion traps that any decent human being would oppose.)

This is the same Game Commission whose head participated in the slaughter of a cornered mountain lion by a disgustingly privileged Texas attorney for a wheel barrel full of cash. These spoiled frat boys need to go. Fire them. Chase them down the street with sticks. Find someone with heart and sense to serve on the commission.

Editorial: Game board unfairly takes aim at gray wolf protector | Albuquerque Journal News

Unlike the Bill Richardson administration, which supported the program, Gov. Susana Martinez has not been friendly to it – even though it has been popular with many New Mexicans. A 2008 survey by Research & Polling found 69 percent either strongly supported or somewhat supported the program. In 2011, the governor-appointed Game Commission suspended state participation.

Editorial: Game board unfairly takes aim at gray wolf protector | Albuquerque Journal News

This asshat makes $174,000 (public money)

If this braying ass can’t afford filet mignon, there are 1000 lobbyists ready to send him a case. What a tool!

The rush to humiliate the poor – The Washington Post By Dana Milbank Opinion writer April 7 at 6:12 PM

Rick Brattin, a young Republican state representative in Missouri, has come up with an innovative new way to humiliate the poor in his state. Call it the surf-and-turf law.

Brattin has introduced House Bill 813, making it illegal for food-stamp recipients to use their benefits “to purchase cookies, chips, energy drinks, soft drinks, seafood, or steak.”

“I have seen people purchasing filet mignons and crab legs” with electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards, the legislator explained, according to The Post’s Roberto A. Ferdman. “When I can’t afford it on my pay, I don’t want people on the taxpayer’s dime to afford those kinds of foods either.

Never mind that few can afford filet mignon on a less-than-$7/day food-stamp allotment; they’re more likely to be buying chuck steak or canned tuna. This is less about public policy than about demeaning public-benefit recipients.

The rush to humiliate the poor – The Washington Post

Chaco: A World Heritage site faces fracking | Albuquerque Journal News

The profiteers will sell anything for a buck. They only see money. They are broken people and they break everything they touch. And the rest of us let them have their way every time.

Chaco: A World Heritage site faces fracking | Albuquerque Journal News By Andy Gulliford / Writers On The Range PUBLISHED: Friday, March 20, 2015 at 12:05 am

We are preparing to ravage a place before we know all its archaeological secrets. Every decade, more is revealed about Chaco’s complex culture. In the 1970s, for example, low-flying reconnaissance flights gave us the first hints of a vast Chaco road system, with well-made roads about 30 feet wide and laid out in straight lines for miles. And yet the Chacoans had no draft animals or wheeled carts. In the 1980s, scientists proved that one of the world’s only lunar calendars set to the 18.6-year cycle of the moon had been etched on boulders near the top of Chaco’s Fajada Butte.

In the 1990s, Anna Sofaer and the Solstice Project verified that Chaco’s buildings had been constructed to align with solstices and equinoxes of the sun, as well as to lunar cycles. In the past decade, using electron microscopes to analyze smashed pottery sherds from drinking vessels, scientists determined that, during ceremonies, Chacoans drank chocolate from cacao beans traded on foot north from Meso-America.

Who knows what else we might learn about one of the world’s great cultures? Unfortunately, our modern addiction to oil is damaging the landscape faster than it can be studied. Sofaer is creating a new film about these ecological threats. She says, “We filmed on the ground the ravages of many newly constructed roads, pipelines and well pads transforming the landscape east and north of Chaco Canyon. Some sites were within 15 miles of the canyon, where we found archaeological artifacts. On overcast nights, the skies above this area are invaded by an eerie reddish glow from the fracking rigs.”

With oil and gas revenues falling, this is a good time for Congress to draw a protective boundary around Chaco, and agree to full mineral withdrawal of adjacent oil and gas leases on BLM and Navajo allotment lands.

Chaco: A World Heritage site faces fracking | Albuquerque Journal News

Two brilliant right-wingers

Speak Up! | Albuquerque Journal News

IF IT WASN’T for low information voters, there would not be a Democrat Party! – J.K.A. …

THE PROBLEM WITH the wacky left – i.e. environmentalists and evolutionists – is that they are obviously educated above their intelligence. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools – Bible. – J.C.

Speak Up! | Albuquerque Journal News

A key part of the Conservative Lie is self-deception: to believe Fox and Lush Limbaugh (is he still alive?), ad nauseum, that the lies they repeat endlessly are facts and no other source is to be trusted. Well, except for the Bible. Here are two stars who have swallowed the lies and washed them down with the kook-aid. God save us.

Kill the killing contests

If you take pleasure in killing any animal other than for food, you’re sick. It’s that simple.

The shame of killing contests mars humankind | Albuquerque Journal News By Kevin Bixby / Writers On The Range

We all know that humans are a violent species. The real mystery is why we allow people to engage in behavior that in any other context would be considered inappropriate, criminal or even borderline psychopathic.

Are these people bloodthirsty? I can’t say I know many personally but, judging from their presence on Facebook, many clearly take an unhealthy pleasure in watching their living targets suffer and die. The cavalier way they dispatch living creatures and the glibness with which they joke about it is disturbing, especially since we know that these same people are armed and living among us.

But sadism alone doesn’t explain their behavior. Many of these shooters have another life as well; they are also dutiful parents and responsible citizens. Many undoubtedly enjoy the challenge of “outsmarting” their quarry, even if they use enough high-tech advantages, such as electronic calling devices and sophisticated weaponry, to cancel all possibility of a “fair chase.”

But if they do not intend to eat their victims (or utilize the pelts, in most cases), why kill them? Why not settle for a camera shot?

I’ve spent enough time on their websites to think I know at least one reason. Through all the self-congratulatory photos, defiant rhetoric about hunting rights and general bashing of “libtards” runs a similar narrative: Their victims are labeled undesirable – varmints and pests – and the shooters are simply doing the world a favor by getting rid of them.

Predators, especially, are held in disdain for engaging in a variety of real and imagined behaviors deemed objectionable: consuming game animals that rightfully belong to human hunters, attacking livestock and pets, killing for fun (yes, the irony is lost on human hunters), menacing little children – you get the idea. The fact that these views are illogical and inconsistent with a modern scientific understanding of the importance of predators matters little.

Maybe this anti-predator fervor is what drives them, or maybe it’s just a convenient excuse for their gratuitous killing. But what ought we to do in response? Should “wildlife cleansing” continue to be permitted by state wildlife departments?

The shame of killing contests mars humankind | Albuquerque Journal News