Category Archives: WTF?!

Oh, Puhlease: This Week’s WTF?!

Is there anyone more fearful or naïve than the Madhatters? Hasn’t the Republican Party used fear forever? Gotta go puke now.

A new billboard in downtown Mason City features a photo of President Obama, flanked by pictures of German dictator Adolph Hitler and Communist leader Vladimir Lenin.

The billboard features phrases like “Live Free or Die” and “Radical leaders prey on the fearful and naive.”

It’s the same spot where a billboard last fall featured the phrase “Obama-Nation, Live Free or Die” with the Communist symbol of a hammer and sickle. The billboards were paid for by the North Iowa Tea Party.

Think Progress » North Iowa Tea Party displays billboard comparing Obama to Hitler.

But who will protect the global mega-corps? Republicans to the defense!

Galling:  “[BP] shouldn’t have to be fleeced and make [made] chumps…” Chumps?!  Poor BP!

Not surprisingly, Bachman ignores the independent body set up to manage the money from BP. It’s no ATM.

Think Progress » Bachmann: ‘I’m not a shill for BP.’

Before Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) became BP’s biggest fan and apologist yesterday, one of the loudest voices criticizing the Obama administration was Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), who said that BP needs to stand up for itself:

“They have to lift the liability cap,” said Bachmann. “But if I was the head of BP, I would let the signal get out there — ‘We’re not going to be chumps, and we’re not going to be fleeced.’ And they shouldn’t be. They shouldn’t have to be fleeced and make chumps to have to pay for perpetual unemployment and all the rest — they’ve got to be legitimate claims.

The other thing we have to remember is that Obama loves to make evil whatever company it is that he wants to get more power from. He makes them evil, and what we’ve got to ask ourselves is: Do we really want to be paying $9 for a gallon of gas? Because that could be the final result of this.”

Think Progress » Bachmann: ‘I’m not a shill for BP.’

Good gawd, how does this fool come out of Minnesota, of all places.


Some on the right have said repeatedly that Obama embarrasses America by showing too much respect or deference to some foreign leaders, instead of the bully-swaggering of Duhbya [spit on the ground], when he wasn’t kissing Saudi princes. Now we see a Republican stick his head out of BP’s ass in order to kiss it. Pretty embarrassing, I think.

Think Progress » Joe Barton to BP: ‘I apologize’ for the White House ‘shakedown.’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) speaking to BP CEO Tony Hayward:

“I’m speaking totally for myself, I’m not speaking for the Republican Party, I’m not speaking for anybody in the House of Representatives but myself. But I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown, in this case a $20 billion shakedown…

“So I’m only speaking for myself, I’m not speaking for anybody else, but I apologize, I do not want to live in a country where anytime a citizen or a corporation does something that is legitimately wrong is subject to some sort of political pressure that is again in my words amounts to a shakedown. So I apologize.”

[NOTE:] Barton has taken $1.4 million from the oil and gas industry, including $27,350 from BP.

Think Progress » Joe Barton to BP: ‘I apologize’ for the White House ‘shakedown.’

Remember the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez: Through a decades-long process in court, penalties were steadily whittled down to a trifle, even as Exxon’s profits rose ad nauseum. Corporations rule, and Republicans salute.

[Updated 9:47pm]

Think Progress » More GOP Lawmakers Hop On Bandwagon To Smear $20 Billion Escrow Fund As ‘Chicago Style Shakedown’ 

Last night, the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the largest caucus of Republican House members, fired off a statement declaring that the $20 billion dollar negotiated by BP and the Obama administration for victims of the oil catastrophe in the gulf is a “Chicago-Style Political Shakedown.” Echoing this sentiment, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told BP executives that he is “sorry” for Obama’s “shakedown” of their company.

Think Progress » More GOP Lawmakers Hop On Bandwagon To Smear $20 Billion Escrow Fund As ‘Chicago Style Shakedown’

Texas rep. Barton backs off defense of BP « New Mexico Independent 

After perhaps underestimating the amount of populist ire directed towards BP, Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas, has now apologized for apologizing to BP chairman Tony Hayward. Reports indicate that Barton was forced to apologize by GOP leaders or face losing his spot as ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Texas rep. Barton backs off defense of BP « New Mexico Independent

‘Progressives damn the Constitution and the People’ – a Conservative says so, so it must be true

The end of Calcified Cal’s latest column is enough to make you think The Error of Limbaugh-Beck-Fox is coming to an end:

Cal Thomas Official Web Site – The President and the Republicans 

Still, it is hard to disagree with what the president said in his opening remarks to the Republicans: “I don’t believe that the American people want us to focus on our job security. They want us to focus on their job security. I don’t think they want more gridlock. I don’t think they want more partisanship. I don’t think they want more obstruction. They didn’t send us to Washington to fight each other in some sort of political steel-cage match to see who comes out alive. … They sent us to Washington to work together, to get things done, and to solve the problems that they’re grappling with every single day.”

A real debate about who is best equipped to solve those problems (and what created them) is what the country needs. The public wants to hear competing ideas discussed in a civil, if spirited, way. We are fellow citizens, after all, not each other’s enemies. There are forces that wish to destroy us. We shouldn’t help them by destroying ourselves with partisan bickering that does not serve the interests of the country.

President Obama promised to continue the public dialogue. He should. It’s good for him, for the Republicans and for the country.

Cal Thomas Official Web Site – The President and the Republicans

Oh, but let’s rewind to the beginning of that same kiss-and-make-up column:

Cal Thomas Official Web Site – The President and the Republicans 

“I am not an ideologue,” the president claimed, but of course he is. defines “ideologue” as “a person who zealously advocates an ideology.” President Obama is a self-described “progressive.” A progressive is a throwback to the early 20th century. Progressives believe in an intellectual hierarchy that gets to decide what is best for the “uninformed” masses. They use government to impose their worldview on others. Progressives generally seek ways around the Constitution and its philosophical foundation, the Declaration of Independence, because they see these documents as impediments to their objectives. Note Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s comment to the press about comprehensive health insurance reform: “We will go through the gate. If the gate is closed, we will go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we will pole vault in. If that doesn’t work, we will parachute in.” Damn the Constitution; damn the people. That’s the attitude of progressives.

Progressives use the tax code to enforce their utilitarian view of the world. They believe that if I make more money than others, I “owe” the others.

Cal Thomas Official Web Site – The President and the Republicans

So, we are “fellow citizens, not enemies” but Progressives (Liberal-Socialist-Communist-Fascists) damn the Constitution and the People. Thanks for that olive branch, Cal. Asshole.

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Think Progress » ABC Panelists Criticize Ailes’ Evasion Of Why Fox News Cut Away From Obama-House GOP Conversation 

As ThinkProgress reported last week, Fox News was the only major cable news network to not show the entirety of President Obama’s conversation with House Republicans at their annual retreat. Fox cut away from the event 20 minutes early and instead began attacking the President for “lecturing” to the lawmakers.

Yesterday on ABC’s This Week, Arianna Huffington challenged Fox News President Roger Ailes about this decision:

HUFFINGTON: Roger, you clearly are in ratings, but if you are in ratings, can you explain to me why FOX went away from the meeting the president was having in — why did you go away, 20 minutes before the end?

AILES: Because we’re the most trusted name in news.

Guest host Barbara Walters cut off the conversation though, since the show was over. However, discussion on the topic then continued in the green room, even though Ailes wasn’t present. Both Huffington and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman criticized the network for its hypocrisy:

HUFFINGTON: Their framing of the President is that he’s radical, that he’s taking us down a dark, fascist or Bolshevik future — depending on the day. And there he was, rational, charming, and in full command of his facts. So the narrative fell apart and so the cameras stopped showing what was happening.

KRUGMAN: Yeah, I mean it’s — I thought it was actually quite funny except it has real consequences. There you have Roger Ailes, with this powerful, popular news network, whining about how the media are unfair to Republicans. I mean, he is a powerful person in the media — and of course, you know, “Fair and Balanced” is truly Orwellian and we know that. So it’s clear that Fox — I felt like yelling to him, “you can’t handle the truth,” because that was what was actually happening on the Fox coverage.

Think Progress » ABC Panelists Criticize Ailes’ Evasion Of Why Fox News Cut Away From Obama-House GOP Conversation

Your Survey Methods May Predict Your Personality (a science-based WTF?!)

I was just going to link to this on Facebook – it seemed cute, until I read the following section:

Your Pet May Predict Your Personality 

The 44-question survey delved into the five dimensions of personality thought to encompass the spectrum of personality types:

  • Conscientiousness. Common behaviors include self-discipline, sense of duty, and a tendency toward planned vs. spontaneous behavior. 
  • Extraversion. Tendency toward being gregarious, enthusiastic, positive, and energetic. 
  • Agreeableness. Includes attributes such as trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and sociability. 
  • Openness. Includes traits such as appreciation for the arts, curiosity, creativity, and nontraditional thinking and behavior. 
  • Neuroticism. Includes characteristics such as being easily stressed, anxious, or easily worried.

"In terms of personalities I would say Woody Allen is at one end of this spectrum and the "Dude" from the Big Lebowski is at the other," Gosling says.

Forty-six percent of those who took the survey identified themselves as dog people, while 12% said they were cat people. Twenty-eight percent said they were both and 15% said they were neither.

Cat People vs. Dog People

According to the findings, self-identified dog people were 15% more extroverted, 13% more agreeable, and 11% more conscientious than cat people.

Cat people were about 12% more neurotic and 11% more open than dog people.

"These are not huge differences," Gosling says. "There are certainly many, many cat people who are extroverts and many, many dog people who aren’t."

Your Pet May Predict Your Personality

Puh-lease. THE five dimensions of personality? I used to joke that “multiple personalities” were classified as a disorder by people who didn’t have one. I’ve always disliked the need people in social sciences feel to pretend they are physicists or mathematicians working with laws and certainties. Come on: 5 dimensions?

For the sake of argument, let’s pretend that 6 billion people fit into 5 boxes – or one box with 5 corners. Is everyone ready to sign-off on these five? Hell, there’s only one negative attribute in the bunch. I wish only one in five people exhibited a negative dimension 20% of the time.

Look at the list again. How is it ordered? Is the “spectrum of personality types” – I like the suggestion that maybe personalities are analog, not digital, but I bet the proponents don’t believe in gradations – between Neuroticism (Woody Allen) to Conscientiousness – not the Dude, man. Does the Dude represent Extraversion or Agreeableness or Openness. Try to arrange those 5 traits in a spectrum. (OK, now I’m playing physicist.)

What about all these very precise – not the same as accurate – percentages? Doesn’t 13% sound more scientific than “a little more than one in ten”? Yeah, precise numbers are the “big boy pants” of the social sciences. Try to reach any conclusion based on the numbers presented.

I won’t blame Gosling for the intellectual sloppiness of the writer and/or editors in using the word “predict” when they mean reveal or indicate. In the end, I’m most irritated by this article and study ignoring one underlying question: Are you drawn to things/people/animals that are like you or to things/people/animals that are unlike you?

If you are open, aren’t you open to a pet that says nothing about your personality? Likewise, if you are agreeable? What’s more neurotic than having a pet that contradicts the predictive powers of one’s pet? Perhaps, only the conscientious take pains to find the right predictive pet.

I’ve had 3 dogs and numerous cats (to which I am allergic – what does that say about my personality, that I choose to live with irritation?). And, given the “spectrum” (hear the sneer) above, by process of elimination, I am neurotic.

Remember: There are 3 kinds of people – those who are good with math and those who are not. Or, there are two kinds of people – those who think there are two kinds of people and those who don’t.

This Week’s WTF?! The Braying of a Lying Jackass

Think Progress » Steve King: Tea Partiers Are ‘Working Americans,’ Unlike The ‘Non-Working Americans’ Who Protested Bush 

Rep. Steve King (R-IA): “These are the working Americans that are coming out to protest now. That’s a new thing. We’ve seen a lot of non-working Americans protest when George Bush was president, but these are people who have to leave their jobs or their businesses or their families and come to their communities or come to Washington, DC.”

From denying the influence of astroturf groups to inflating the size of their crowds, conservatives have sought to cast their protests as the true embodiment of “real America.” King’s claim is an arrogant insult aimed at undermining the legitimacy of the hundreds of thousands of Americans, both employed and unemployed, who protested the Bush administration’s policies.

Think Progress » Steve King: Tea Partiers Are ‘Working Americans,’ Unlike The ‘Non-Working Americans’ Who Protested Bush

Number 1 on My List of the Worst Top Ten Lists of the Best Top Ten Sci-Fi Movies of the Past Decade

OMG. Just a month ago, I contemplated using time travel to go back to stop myself from watching Primer. Now, Primer has made someone’s Top Ten list. Mind you, I think Primer deserves an A- in Film School. It wasn’t awful, it just really fizzled out and I can’t recommend it.

Had I known this Top Ten List would include The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, I might have been better prepared for shock and disappointment. TESOTSM is just gawd-awful. I would watch Primer every day if I thought that would erase my memory of TESOTSM.

Unfortunately, I didn’t know what was on this “list” because the Web site doesn’t actually list these movies. That there is no list with links to these 10 items is an anti-Web, slimy way of forcing people to slog through pages. It says Techland’s advertisers matter more than its readers. So, here’s the list:

10. 28 Days Later
9. Minority Report
8. Star Trek
6. Children of Men (very violent; Michael Caine is wonderful, but his end is not)
5. Primer
4. The Fountain
3. Solaris
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
1. A.I.

With AI topping this list, we know Steven James Snyder has an amazing tolerance for ponderous story-telling. That’s a vital quality for a film reviewer. I’m assuming he’ll love Avatar, leaving me quite doubtful about it.

FWIW – not much – of these selections, I rank WALL-E #1 and Minority Report #2 (that one grew on me with repetition – it thoroughly documents a Gibson-esque dystopia – up there with Blade Runner).