Category Archives: photos

Photos by mark justice hinton.

pasque flower

pasque flower

From The Writer’s Almanac from American Public Media:

Today is Easter Sunday in the Christian Church, the holiday that celebrates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Easter is one of the few floating holidays in the calendar year, because it’s based on the cycles of the moon. Jesus was said to have risen from the dead on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring. For that reason, Easter can fall as early as March 22nd and as late as April 25th.

The word “Easter” comes from an ancient pagan goddess worshipped by Anglo Saxons named Eostre. According to legend, Eostre once saved a bird whose wings had frozen during the winter by turning it into a rabbit. Because the rabbit had once been a bird, it could still lay eggs, and that rabbit became our Easter Bunny. [mjh: another pagan belief co-opted by those seeking power for themselves.]

Chinese New Year

Last weekend, Merri and I attended the dress rehearsal for this weekend’s celebration of Chinese New Year at the Albuquerque Chinese Cultural Center (Sunday; 4705, the Year of the Pig). We sat on the ground in the parking lot and watched performers stream out of the center’s entrance. There will be martial arts, Tai Chi, dance, fights with various weapons, lions and a dragon, plus innumerable costume changes. If, you are “tired of winter’s drab colors,” as a friend of mine recently put it, you’ll be blown away by the spectacle.

Here are my photos on flickr:
Chinese New Year in Albuquerque, NM – a photoset on Flickr

If you are going on Sunday (2/18), be aware that the Center has small parking lot which serves as the stage. Parking in the area is a problem. Ride your bike or walk. peace, mjh

PS: I take this opportunity to note I turned 47 in 4700 and in 4747 I will be 94 (47+47).

Trip to Bosque

For a few years now, a group of us has been renting a van and driving south of Socorro, New Mexico, for a day at Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge. Bosque is a managed habitat for migrating waterfowl cupped in the hands of distant mountains. Miles of dirt roads weave around several large, shallow lakes. In winter, it is a great spot to see thousands of sandhill cranes and snow geese among myriad other birds and some other wildlife.

We had planned to drive down the day the first snowstorm blew in. As it happened, our rescheduled date was after the third storm in as many weeks, but we weren’t going to be stopped this time.

One member of our group is a world traveling ornithologist for the Nature Conservancy, Dr. David Mehlman. Dave has the great eye, ear and encyclopedic mind of a top-notch birder. Along the way, we can’t help but learn something from him. We know our grebes, pintails and coots. We see the Ross’ geese among the larger snow geese.

I’m a lesser birder, which is to say I love seeing birds and even learning more about them, but I’m mostly here to stare open-mouthed at the beauty of the world. My heart would stop for a sandhill crane even if I didn’t know that name. While the others stare through binoculars, I’m taking pictures. As they flip through well-worn bird books (Dave makes us do a little work for ourselves), I sip coffee and marvel.

Our slow drive around the bosque is also a movable feast, a finger-food potluck on wheels. Even after gorging all day on bison empanadas and prosciutto filo triangles, we all look forward to green chile cheeseburgers in Antonito (at the Buckhorn for two years and the Owl Cafe before that).

Every New Mexican and birders from all over owe themselves a pilgrimage to Bosque del Apache for the sunset fly-in or the dawn fly-out. Be sure to lower your camera and be quiet to drink it all in. mjh

I’ve posted a couple of dozen photos, mostly of sandhill cranes at:
Bosque del Apache – a photoset on Flickr

mjh’s blog — Bird Man of Albuquerque (no, not me!)

Bird Man of Albuquerque (no, not me!)

2006 in Photos

In 2006, I took about 3,000 photos. Of those, I posted 271 to Flickr and some others to various websites. The following link will take you to the first of 10 pages featuring those 271 in reverse order (newest first).

Flickr: Archive of mjhinton’s photos posted to Flickr in 2006

From that page, one can jump by page or month; larger thumbnails plus descriptions can be seen using the View: Detail link. Thumbnails are automatically cropped and sometimes differently from the photo.

I would be delighted if you’d look at some of those photos and further delighted if you were to comment there or here. mjh

flower child