Right now, the biggest jackass in New Mexico is Jim Scarethemtino. And, he may well be worse than John Dimdahl was. (At least, Dimdahl liked skiing and legalizing marijuana.) It has been awful watching Scarethemtino’s transformation – he used to be an OK guy and a half-decent writer. Don’t worry, though. Democrats/liberals/socialists/gays/non-whites (immigrants)/women are working … Continue reading I miss Dimdahl→
Even as I was composing yesterday’s ambivalent defense of John Dimdahl, forces were moving to position him as the new and improved Republican candidate for governor, replacing that other guy whose name we needn’t remember. Keep reading because I’m not only going to defend Dimdahl again, I have a rebuke for “my” party. Wow, Richardson, … Continue reading Dump Dimdahl→
ABQjournal: Richardson Won a Battle, But CYFD’s Bolson Won War By John Dendahl Laugh of the Month: Richardson remains obstinate. Despite environment-friendly natural gas production on super-enviro Ted Turner’s Vermejo Park Ranch next door, drilling for natural gas in the Valle Vidal is vigorously opposed by some special interests. Vowing to do all he can … Continue reading I’m not laughing with Dimdahl, I’m laughing at him→
ABQjournal: Dendahl’s Ramblings Badly Written, Poorly Researched By Angela Wandinger-Ness, Biology Professor There are many things to take issue with in John Dendahl’s commentary, “Bush is the Man with a Mandate.” I will comment on only two points: poor writing skills and unjustified accusation. There should be accountability and a factual basis that underlies a … Continue reading Dimdahl: ‘a cantankerous old man with no credibility’→
ABQjournal: Rough and Tumble of Politics Now Spawns Hatred By John Dendahl, For the Journal The surprise now is the pure hatred Bush’s opponents have mobilized, beginning at the conclusion of the 2000 election. Bush is clearly not hateful personally, and he has done nothing to disgrace his office as did his predecessor. Yet hatred, … Continue reading Vlad Dimdahl→
ABQjournal: Master Fingerpointer Falls Short of Propaganda Paragon By John Dendahl Right at the get-go, for example, the screen is dark but the sound is of some kind of enormous crash. The pictures that follow make clear that what wasn’t seen is an air transport being flown into the World Trade Center. Moore later proffered … Continue reading Dimdahl at the Movies→
ABQjournal: President’s Team Ready to Face Full Court Press By John Dendahl, Syndicated Columnist BFD In fact, ultra-liberals such as …. rather than sticking with their promises to leave if George W. Bush were elected …. Not altogether ignorant of history, the Left is always alert to the usefulness of disinformation. … Then there’s the … Continue reading Dimdahl is an Ass→
"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." — Sam Adams