Dim Foley

I’m reminded by Dim Foley that “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.”

Dan Foley says, “Barack Obama seems to think the only way to win this election is to destroy the very credibility our country has taken centuries to build. Barack and his merry band of far-left advisors believe that if they spend any time talking about the successes of this country, it will hurt their candidate and their chance to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.”

First of all, no one has done more to damage America’s (and the Republican Party’s and Conservatives’) credibility than George Duhbya Bush. Duhbya has nearly wrecked the nation. Secondly, it did not take centuries to establish our credibility. The world has repeatedly embraced us with optimism. We have, indeed, renewed that credibility after blunders, just as we will when Duhbya’s back to clearing brush fulltime.

Foley opines, “Now, don’t get me wrong: I believe candidates should try to win, and do everything in their power to do so. But this win-at-all-costs and destroy-everything-in-your-way strategy is a recipe for disaster.”

Of course, Foley believes in win at all cost — he’s a Republican and that’s their operating principle. As for recipes for disaster, being a Republican is one, voting Republican is another (recall the last 8 years). peace, mjh

PS: This is from Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics by Heath Haussamen

A weekend article in the Albuquerque Journal examines a state-government insurance contract that has paid thousands of dollars to outgoing House Minority Whip Dan Foley.

Chaves County Commissioner Harold Hobson — a Foley critic — has asked the attorney general to look into the situation in which Foley, an Allstate insurance agent, helped his company win a state contract last year that pays him a 10-percent commission on all policies sold, according to the Journal. Some 500 government employees in New Mexico have signed up for the supplemental cancer, accident and universal life-insurance policy.

Foley has been a lawmaker since 1999 but lost the June primary and will leave office on Jan. 1.
