America Is A Free Speech Zone

Friends and Neighbors, Our Exalted Leader,

Duhbya, is comin’ to town Thursday night through Friday morning. Time to go up on your roof and leave him a greeting. I’m

trying to choose from these:

if lies were oil
we’d have a gusher

out, out


flunk bush

dump duhbya

impeach bush

Kenny Boy Lay & Jack Abramoff say hi!



BUllSHit (an old favorite)

Add your own ideas in comments or send me photos of your greeting. I’ll post them on

peace, mjh

I Feel Better Already

Study Ties

Political Leanings to Hidden Biases By Shankar Vedantam

When presented with negative information about the candidates they

liked, partisans of all stripes found ways to discount it, Westen said. When the unpalatable information was rejected,

furthermore, the brain scans showed that volunteers gave themselves feel-good pats — the scans showed that “reward centers” in

volunteers’ brains were activated. The psychologist observed that the way these subjects dealt with unwelcome information had

curious parallels with drug addiction as addicts also reward themselves for wrong-headed behavior.

Cutting the corruption

Cutting the corruption by Arthur Levitt Jr.


removed from Washington and viewing its problems from the perspective of the private sector, I’ve come to think that our federal

government is plagued by some of the same problems that have been hurting corporate America, primarily a lack of transparency,

accountability and independence. As with many of the disgraced corporations of the past few years — Adelphia, Tyco and WorldCom, for

example — so it is with Congress: Conflicts of interest abound, oversight has been myopic and those given the public’s trust have used

it to enrich themselves. …

[L]awmakers need not look far for an example of how to reform themselves. Just as Congress passed the

Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 to clean up American industry, it should pass similar legislation to clean up American government.

I highly recommend you read the entire piece linked above. These are practical suggestions for cleaning up a

process from someone who has mucked out other stables. mjh

PS: The Albuquerque Journal titled this “Our

Congress Cannot Police Itself” — which is not at all the message of this piece.

god damn these mean fools

5 States

Consider Bans On Protests at Funerals By Kari Lydersen, Washington Post Staff Writer

At least five Midwestern states are

considering legislation to ban protests at funerals in response to demonstrations by the Rev. Fred Phelps and members of his Topeka,

Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church, who have been protesting at funerals of Iraq war casualties because they say the deaths are

God’s punishment for U.S. tolerance toward gays.

Though the soldiers were not gay, the protesters say the deaths, as

well as Hurricane Katrina, recent mining disasters and other tragedies are God’s signs of displeasure. They also protested at the

memorial service for the 12 West Virginia miners who died in the Sago Mine. …

Shirley Phelps-Roper, Phelps’s daughter and an

attorney for the church, said if legislation passes, the group will challenge it in court. “Whatever they do would be unconstitutional,”

she said. “These aren’t private funerals; these are patriotic pep rallies. Our goal is to call America an abomination, to help

the nation connect the dots. You turn this nation over to the fags and our soldiers come home in body bags.

Old Dog, New Trick?

Did anyone else notice that after wasting his swan song pissing on the blogosphere, Steve Lawrence has a new line (sorry). OK,

The Line on KNME (7pm Fridays) isn’t quite new anymore, and surely not New Media (until it has a podcast — YAWN!).


hold on. After Lawrence excoriated bloggers, who joins him on the set: Joe Monahan, one of the few bloggers making money. And what’s

this?! Next week, conservative blogger Mario Burgos will be the guest (what, is Greg Payne afraid to ride the bus after dark? Is Bohnsack

too busy re-writing Pong for Ruby?). And, no, I haven’t overlooked that regular Gene Grant is a blogger (I may be the only person Gene

Grant ever yelled at on his blog — or possibly anywhere). So, is Steve surrounding himself with bloggers to make himself look good by


Regular readers would assume I had to be happy that Joe replaced Dimdahl for the week. Surprise! The ever dour, fast-

talking monotone Monahan made me miss the sly Burnsian-smile of Dimdahl, his skin so smooth and hair perfectly white (or are those hairs

transparent, like a polar bear’s?). Though I can’t stand Dimdahl most of the time, I imagine it most be wonderful to sit with Dimmy in

the warming hut aprés ski, drinking wine and passing a fatty; he’s probably brilliant while high.

I’d say we all need to

support these local TV shows, though Kate Nelson’s In Focus at 7:30pm is much better — The Line is the McLaughlin Group for people

under 50. But after my re-education at TheFix, I adhere to Capital

Darwinism which declares “if you can’t make a go of it, sod off, ya wanker!” It’s the profit motive, stupid! mjh